
SHmorlja Herniated lumbar spine, treatment and symptoms

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Herniated SHmorlja represents the variation of intervertebral discs, which manifests itself as "indentation" disc segment in the upper or lower vertebra. Thus, compression of spinal cord or spinal nerve endings on site herniation SHmorlja does not occur, unlike the herniated discs.

Manifestation SHmorlja hernias caused by a change in posture, as post-traumatic complication or because of metabolic disorders. Possible formation in adolescence at the intensive development of the body, when the rate of soft tissue growth is significantly higher bone growth.

What it is?

SHmorlja hernia - a vertical defect of the intervertebral disc, which consists in part of its penetration into the cancellous bone of the body above the substance - or underlying vertebra

Of course, since SHmorlja was a pathologist, he could see first hand observations, flipping through the histories of deceased patients, that these interesting Education intervertebral discs have been a random finding: complaints of pain or any symptoms of the patients did not show, but died from very different diseases. In Germany, X-ray examination has been widely distributed, and subsequently these hernias were diagnosed in vivo, as a curious phenomenon of X-ray. They also became known as "cartilaginous nodules."

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In the first decades it was believed that these hernias are harmless, but then it was discovered that this is not true: they can bring significant harm under certain conditions. But first things first.

Causes of

First of all predisposition to the disease of the spine genetically determined, as conditions under which may develop a hernia often occurs in people between the ages due to the aging of the whole body and spine bones in particular. Also possible cause of this disease in children may be the fact that with the rapid growth of the whole body bone development is lagging behind, resulting in tissue vertebra appear hollow cavity.

The list below are located the causes of hernia SHmorlja frequency:

  1. The rapid development of the child's organism in the period up to 12 years, the bone does not have time to grow properly.
  2. Genetic predisposition (special structure endplates of vertebrae)
  3. tissue deformation due to osteoporosis (people in adulthood)
  4. Insufficient supply of blood vertebrae due to diseases of support - motor system (kyphoscoliosis, Scheuermann - Mau) and low mobility.
  5. Microfractures vertebral trauma or elevated load (sport, transport of loads, pregnancy and the like)
  6. Low calcium content in the body.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs.

It should be noted that young people with a fully healthy spine pathology may develop because of vertebrae injuries arising after strong simultaneous vertical load (shock) on the spine, or at regular lifting and carrying heavy items.

Hernia symptoms SHmorlja, photos

not often observed isolated in clinical practice, and multiple hernias SHmorlja (see. photo), affecting several vertebrae and intervertebral discs. They are located in the thoracic or lumbar region. In the cervical spine herniation SHmorlja not formed. Depending on what kind of disc portion sank in the neighboring vertebrae, distinguish central, side, rear and front of a hernia.

  1. Central SHmorlja hernia in most cases does not announce itself, and discovered by chance during spinal diagnosis. Front hernia is most often formed in the lumbar spine. Considering that this type of disk herniation occurs irritation and infringement of the nerve roots, the symptoms are mild or nonexistent.
  2. Patients complain of mild pain in the back and in the back, appear after strenuous exercise or a long walk. The pain disappears after rest or take a horizontal position. Subsequently, to the painful syndrome joins reflex tension of the back muscles, and numbness in the lower extremities. However, a hernia SHmorlja not as harmless as it seems. After all, in fact - is microtrauma vertebrates. Subsequently, they can cause much more serious damage - a compression fracture of the vertebrae.

In addition, the hernia SHmorlja are triggering factor to the deforming of the spine osteoarthritis. In this pathological condition degenerative changes in bone and cartilage leading to a sharp limitation of movements in the intervertebral joints. In addition, the hernia SHmorlja in some cases help to increase the degree of curvature of the spine available.

The consequences of the formation of the cartilage site

Often the question arises: can the cartilage node SHmorlja cause the formation of the normal protrusion? Theoretically, yes - but only if it is large.

The main threats posed by large cartilage node is:

  1. The risk of vertebral compression fracture with destruction body - thus there are the typical symptoms of a compression fracture and, in particular, pain.
  2. the failure of the threat in a recess in the vertebral body of the intervertebral disc, resulting in a breach of its functionality and further deformation - this can cause the formation of the disc herniated and cause pain and other radicular symptoms.

If the top photo - X-ray of a small protrusion of cartilage, then the following figure, the protrusion of the large size of indentation from the intervertebral disc.

diagnosis of the disease

Turning to the doctor, the patient is assigned a full spinal examination and consultation by specialists: vertebrologist, orthopedist, neurologist. It is important to identify the cause of the disease as well as the subsequent treatment will be directed at removing predisposing factors.

For diagnosis must be made of the spine X-rays (in this case, spondylography). In most cases, only one X-ray to diagnose hernia SHmorlja. In the presence of co-morbidities and large sizes hernias assigned computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. They allow you to eliminate the intervertebral hernia, and other pathological vertebra.

In some cases, a spine palpation. Due to the fact that the disease is no external changes, edema and distinct muscle spasms, hernias autumn difficult to palpate. In place of pressing may feel a slight pain and tension, but for setting the correct diagnosis is not enough. In addition, palpation performed only by a physician with extensive experience, a novice such manipulations can not do.

How to treat a hernia SHmorlja?

In the diagnosis of this disease doctor assigns a specific treatment based on whether there is pain.

In the absence of pain prescribe the following procedures:

  • without limitation normal mode;
  • Implementation of a complex of exercises designed to strengthen the muscular system;
  • therapeutic swimming;
  • massotherapy;
  • the use of physiotherapy.

In the presence of painful manifestations hernia SHmorlja patient is prescribed:

  • Orthopedic mode which assumes restriction running, jumping, the axial load with the weights;
  • physiotherapy comprising exercises for reducing the load on the damaged area in conjunction with exercise for the spine extension;
  • manual therapy;
  • Use of stabilizing braces to reduce pain impulse;
  • physiotherapy to eliminate the rigidity of the back muscles. To apply this sinusomodulirovannye currents Diadynamic currents percutaneous electroneurostimulation electrophoresis spasmolytic drugs and troforegenerotornogo action;
  • analgesics (paracetamol);
  • nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac);
  • application of ointment forms for reducing the inflammatory response. They are used when you can not take drugs orally or parenterally as a result of concomitant diseases, allergic reaction to the drug;
  • B vitamins;
  • acupuncture.

If the hernia SHmorlja due to the presence of kyphosis, it is necessary to treat the disease. However, conservative way to do this is almost impossible, so the most effective way to combat kyphosis is surgery.

Operations that are subject to kyphosis include:

  • stabilizing (rear fusion, corporodesis, vertebral fixation);
  • decompressive-stabilizing (anterior decompression of the spinal cord, the front fusion instrumental osteoplastic spinal fixation);
  • corrigents (Harrington type structure in combination with stabilizing interventions).

All these interventions are designed to relieve the damaged vertebrae and prevent the progression of the depressions of the intervertebral disc in the vertebral body.


Orthopedic corsets distinguish rigid and semi-rigid. Determine the purpose for which it is necessary? If you need back support after the injury, then choose the hard. Semi-rigid to help attain good posture.

  • hernia of the lumbar corset captures part of the spine in the lumbar region, capturing part of the back to the pelvis and the lower portion of the breast;
  • Corset anchorage-rekliniruyuschy holds a stable position in the thoracic spine;
  • Corset-vest holder head fixes damaged neck vertebrae.

If the nodule SHmorlja causes discomfort when moving, you need to buy clothes supportive. Corset hernia SHmorlja fixes back muscles, reducing the load on the spine, eliminates voltage in spasm, enhances circulation - do anything that will help to strengthen spine.


For patients with hernia disease SHmorlja massage performed only gentle method. An experienced massage therapist relaxes tense muscles of the back, his massage relieves fatigue and stimulates blood circulation.

Symptoms of disease recede after the first few sessions. The additional flow of blood and lymph circulation to the affected area normalizes metabolism and provides additional power damaged tissues.

Home Treatment

Two of the most popular ways to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a hernia SHmorlja (by Spine)

  1. Lotion of tincture chestnut and dandelion stems. Fill stems dandelion and crushed chestnut half-liter jar in a ratio of 2: 1, fill them with vodka or diluted rubbing alcohol. After one day, do yourself a lotion for 10 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 30 minutes, but no more. Tincture possesses anti-inflammatory action, improves the ability of the tissues of the upgrade.
  2. Compress on the basis of horseradish and grated potatoes. Mix both components in equal proportions and apply to the sore area with all the rules setting compress. This mixture has a warming effect and thus stimulates blood circulation.

Hernia SHmorlja belongs to the category of diseases that most effectively treated by natural means in combination with gymnastics. Therefore, special attention vertebrologists doctors (specialists for spine problems) on methods of therapy at home: physical therapy exercises and popular recipes.


The range of therapeutic measures in hernias SHmorlja include exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the spine. Applied exercise should focus on muscle development:

  • press;
  • buttocks and back;
  • arms and chest.

At this pathology are considered ideal exercise in the pool. They not only relieve pain, but also to ensure the maintenance in the correct position the spine.

One simple and effective exercises that can be done without any tools:

  • lie on the floor and lifting his feet, toe litter behind his head.
  • begin this exercise is recommended with five repetitions, gradually bringing to 20.
  • breath done at the beginning of the movement and breath in the highest point of the raised legs.


SHmorlja hernia itself does not pose a risk to human health, but its destructive effects can lead to disability. Timely conservative treatment ensures a full recovery and return the patient to normal life.

Postponing a visit vertebrologist, you run the risk of "bump" in the operation, which the outcome is not always favorable.

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