
Scabies signs and treatment at home - an effective course!

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Many people know about scabies: some sick with it, others just heard something. The cause of this disease is the itch mite, which, as it turns out, is quite easy to get rid of, using folk methods of treatment.

Scabies treatment

Scabies treatment

Scabies treatment

Scabies treatment

  • 1 Description and symptomatology
  • 2 Types of scabies and their manifestations
  • 3 How to treat scabies
  • 4 Treatment methods
  • 5 Preparation of therapeutic ointments
    • 5.1 Ointment
    • 5.2 Cream and celandine cream
    • 5.3 Powder and sour cream
  • 6 Othersfunds
    • 6.1 Video - Scabies signs and treatment at home

Description and symptomatology

Scabies is manifested in the form of red or pink pimples on the skin and severe itching.

Itching with scabies

The itch with scabies

A person suffering from this disease, all the time combs pimples, because of what those only increase. And with a close inspection of the place where they appeared, white or gray lines, called itch moves, can be found between the pimples.

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How to recognize and treat scabies

How to recognize and treat scabies

These strokes occur in the most sensitive areas of the skin - on the abdomen, arms, in the groin, on the inside of the joint, etc. Typically, characteristic itching is worse at night - it is at this time that the mites activate.

Symptoms and photos of scabies

Symptoms and photos of scabies

Females and "young" males live on the human body and eat epidermis. As soon as they grow up, the females are fertilized by males, lay eggs on the skin and die. For this purpose, the females make small "tunnels" in the skin( the same itchy ways), where they lay their eggs. Their life span averages 4-6 weeks, each day they lay several eggs with new individuals that appear after 4-5 days. When the mites grow up, they mate, and the females again make new moves in the skin.

Scabies in the child - photo

Scabies in a child - photo

Please note! At the beginning of the treatment of the disease you need to make sure that it is actually about scabies. The fact is that severe itching can be caused by other skin diseases.

Types of scabies and their manifestations

The first signs - small pimples - arise, usually after visiting the pool, sauna or gym. This is explained by the fact that in such places there can be no talk of sterile purity. There are several kinds of scabies, we will get acquainted with their symptoms.

Table. Varieties of scabies, their signs

Description Description, symptomatology
Common scabies

Conventional scabies

The patient has scabies, small pimples( bubbles), all accompanied by severe itching. This kind of ailment is observed in 95 percent of all cases.


There are ticks parasitizing on pets. Getting on the human skin, they provoke the itching, but do not penetrate into the epidermis, and therefore do not make moves.
Norwegian scabies

Norwegian Scabies

A rare disease that affects mostly people with a weak immune system. The peculiarity of such scabies is that the itching can not appear for a long time, and small yellow ulcers, erosions and brown crusts( under the latter there are "tunnels") form instead of bubbles. An interesting fact: with this disease on 1 cm² of skin can be more than two hundred scabies mites.
"Scabies of cleanliness"

"Scabies of cleanliness"

Leaks without pronounced signs, because the patient does not have an allergy. He takes a shower and changes clothes several times a day, thereby "lubricating" manifestations of the disease.

How to treat scabies

How to treat scabies

How to treat scabies

Begin the treatment with a change of linen( both bed and bath) and wet cleaning in the house. What is characteristic, the laundry should not just be washed, but boiled, then - after drying - iron with a hot iron on both sides.

Cleaning, ironing and stripping of laundry

Cleaning, ironing and stripping of laundry

Those things that can not be washed, simply ironed through moistened fabric, pre-tuning the device to the maximum permissible temperature regime.

The second stage is a hot bath.

Hot tub

Hot bath

In a room temperature environment, the parasite lives no longer than two weeks, while in hot water( over 60 ° C) - only one hour. Moreover, if the tick is cooled to zero temperature, and then thrown into boiling water, it will die instantly. Therefore, after cleaning and washing you need to take a hot bath( the water temperature should be more than 50 ° C, but not exceed 70 ° C).If you stay in such water for about an hour, but you can get rid of both acute itching and arthropods that cause it.

Scabies mite

Scabies mite

For further treatment, external means are used, and the patient must comply with hygiene norms without fail.

Methods of treatment

All the drugs used in the treatment of scabies can be divided into four groups:

  • balsamic preparations;The tools made of sulfur
  • ;
  • preparations that destroy skin parasites;
  • folk remedies.
Medifox( 24 ml) -( concentrate) for the destruction of scabies

Medifox( 24 ml) -( concentrate) for the destruction of scabies

The patient should understand that without treatment scabies will not go anywhere. Yes, the itch can temporarily disappear, but then he will make itself felt again, disturbing the patient in a few months or even years, if he will not be treated. And in order to be cured, you just need to kill the eggs laid by the mites, which can easily be done with the help of local therapy. As for general treatment, there is no need for it.

Benzyl benzoate from scabies

Benzyl benzoate from scabies

The most effective drugs are Wilkinson's ointment( contains tar) and sulfuric ointment. They are evenly applied to the entire body, and special attention should be paid to the "favorite" places of the ticks described above. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, the course lasts five days. Then the patient is washed, and all his underwear is changed.


Wilkinson Ointment

Please note! The use of these ointments is contraindicated in patients with increased sensitivity of the skin!

Preparation of medicinal ointments

Ointments for the treatment of the described disease can be prepared on their own. Recipes are given below.

Sulfur Ointment

Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur Ointment

This product is sold in all pharmacies, but if desired, you can prepare it yourself.


  • 1 tbsp.l.grinded laundry soap;
  • 1 tsp.tar;
  • 1 tbsp.l.melted tallow;
  • 2 tsp.sulfur.
Sulfur ointment is simple

Gray ointment simple

All this is carefully mixed and applied to clean and, more importantly, dry skin for three to five days.

Ointment from cream and celandine



The dried plant is crushed and mixed with cream( their fat content should be as high as possible) in a 1: 2 ratio. The agent is infused in the refrigerator overnight, after which it is applied before going to sleep on the whole body. Another ointment can be applied to a piece of gauze, then applied to the most "problem" places - so the bed will not get dirty.

Powder and sour powder

Gunpowder Gunpowder

Gun powder

Hunting powder mixed with sour cream, the ratio is 1: 3.Next, the ointment is wrapped in a blanket and placed for a couple of hours in a warm place. During this time, it should be stirred every twenty minutes.

It is applied to the affected parts of the body, while the healthy skin is covered with something. Once the ointment is absorbed, the skin is washed with warm water.

Other products

Lavender oil also helps to cope with mites. It must be dripped into the affected areas two drops each. To wash it is not necessary, t. To. If it of high quality( without impurities), it will evaporate completely and quickly.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil

Please note! All means of scabies make mites leave the itch moves. And because of the specific smell of these remedies, they can not be on the skin. Therefore, one should not allow the disease to return - all things should be sterilized.

No less effective is the usual lard - in scabies it is heated and mixed with a pre-ground elecampane root.

Ingredients are thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil and cooked on low heat for 15 minutes. Then the mixture is filtered, 2 tbsp.spoons of tar. The ingredients are mixed once more, and the finished product is applied to the skin three times a day until the ticks disappear completely. Wash the water using warm water.

Another good preparation is prepared as follows. The household soap is rubbed and put on fire until it melts.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap

Onion and garlic

Onion and garlic

Simultaneously squeeze the head of garlic and rub the onion. When the soap is melted, add the remaining ingredients and cook for ten minutes. The finished product poured into the mold and placed in a cool place. It is applied to the affected skin twice a day.

Please note! This method is applicable to pregnant women, but only to those who do not suffer from allergies to components.

The next interesting way is to use tomatoes and vegetable oil. Take 1 kg of tomatoes and fry for 500 ml of oil. The oil that is left after roasting, the skin is processed three times a day. As for tomatoes, they can be used to prepare a dish.

Hot Tomatoes

Tomato Frying

In addition, there are other effective products that can be prepared according to the recipes listed below.

  1. Horse sorrel is boiled, and the resulting decoction treats the skin.
    Horse sorrel

    Horse sorrel

  2. Bread kvass is salted, after which it is heated( the temperature should be such that it can be dipped into your hands).Hands are held in kvass as long as possible, in addition, it can be used to treat other affected areas. Wipe the kvass is not necessary - it must dry itself. The procedure is carried out several times a day.
    Bread kvass

    Bread kvass

  3. The essence of lavender is applied to the skin, a person walks so for two days and then takes a bath. All this is repeated until the scabies disappear.
    Essence of lavender

    Essence of lavender

  4. 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter mixed with 1 spoon of turpentine. A ready-made mixture is used for compresses or it is processed by the skin. It is important that the remedy is on the skin for no longer than two hours.
    Turpentine gum

    Turpentine zhivichny

  5. Not bad proved and grass fog.25 grams of herbs pour 150 ml of vodka, the capacity is covered and put in a dark place for seven days. The skin can be processed with this infusion, and with fresh plant juice.
    Dymyary officinalis

    Dymyary drug

  6. Also affected areas can be treated with birch tar, after which the product is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
    Tar birch

    Tar birch

  7. Chistel juice is mixed with Vaseline in the proportion 1: 4.Finished ointment is applied to the skin.
    Juice of celandine

    Juice celandine

Note that, regardless of the folk remedy used, the patient must adhere to certain rules.

  1. So, before the procedure you need to take a shower, but in the process of treatment it can not be done.
  2. Bedding is sterilized both before and after treatment. All things must be boiled and patted as described above. It is also desirable to heat the stitches of all soft furniture in the house with a hot iron.
  3. If a person feels that he is already well, he should still visit a dermatologist to make sure of this.

And one more thing: in no case delay treatment of this disease!

Video - Scabies and Treatment at Home

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