
Bitter taste in the mouth: 15 main causes of what to do and how to treat?

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Bitter taste in the mouth - a phenomenon quite widespread, many are familiar with it. This is especially true of those who suffer from pathologies associated with the gall bladder, liver, bile ducts, organs of the digestive system. Why is there a symptom?

Reason for change of taste is often spicy, fatty, spicy food, drugs that are used for a certain time. With the taste of bitterness "reconciled" and the person suffering from congenital problems with the bile ducts. Permanent bitterness in the mouth (and not only after meals) indicates the presence of severe disease requiring correct diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Bitter taste in the mouth - what does it mean?

The main cause of bitterness in the mouth is cast bile into the esophagus, which occurs due to improper functioning of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Bile - a digestive fluid that is produced by liver cells and accumulates in the bladder. Here, she not only kept, but also "matures", it becomes a full-fledged acid salt composition. After the "maturing" bile enters the duodenum, which initiates the process of digestion.

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Gall secret has a characteristic bitter taste. Healthy mature bile has a certain structure. Furthermore acids and metal salts (sodium and potassium), the secret comprises proteins, phospholipids (fats for the construction of cellular membranes), cholesterol, calcium and chloride ions. Unbalanced composition of bile leads to precipitation of salts. So in the gallbladder form clumps, flakes, sand and stones. They impede the outflow of secretion, form a stagnation bubble ducts. In addition, the reason for the stagnation are often spasm accompanying stress and nervous emotions (fear, hostility, anger, hatred).

Against the background of continuing stagnation of the new allocation of bile, which aims to get to the bubble. At day human liver extracts to 1 liter with gall secretion. This creates a pressure that firmly pushes stale secret throws him in the stomach and esophagus.

When and how often a bitter taste?

From where there is bitterness in the mouth can suggest what caused this symptom:

  1. When exertion - if it is also accompanied by weight in the right side, may be a bell liver diseases.
  2. In the morning - a reason probably lies in the problems with the liver and gallbladder.
  3. Just after eating too heavy, greasy food after eating - gallbladder disease, bile duct and liver.
  4. Bitterness comes after any meal - diseases of stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, some liver pathology.
  5. Short bitterness in the mouth - during stressful situations or use of drugs which affect the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Permanent bitterness in the mouth - is a possible cause of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, endocrine or psychiatric disease.

It appears after the use of cedar

After eating pine nuts bitter taste in the mouth may also appear in a completely healthy person. Usually, this phenomenon is wrongly blamed on cholagogue properties of the product, but for high-quality pine nuts may not be such a reaction.

Meanwhile, the bitterness in the mouth appears immediately after eating and lasts for several days, sometimes may be other symptoms of poisoning - nausea and pain in the liver area. All this clearly shows that the pine nuts were artificially grown and imported from China. Many suppliers give Chinese nuts for domestic products because they are cheaper to purchase. But there are many reasons for this from a food product should be abandoned.

The main causes of bitterness

What does the bitterness in the mouth? Reasons for which a person begins to feel it is actually mass. Thus the body may try to "point" on the digestive system disease or gallbladder disease. Yet this sense can be a sign of malnutrition or too long supplementation different spectrum of action (mainly those used for the treatment of liver diseases).

The main reasons are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  1. Diseases of the duodenum. Bile from duodenum 12 entering the stomach, causing erosion of its walls. The structure consists of bile acids, which create a feeling of bitterness.
  2. Gastritis (see. symptoms and treatment of gastritis). In this illness varies the composition and amount of gastric acid produced by the body, also process is accompanied by poor digestibility of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and other deteriorating output slags. Collectively, this becomes the cause of acid reflux, mouth odor, continuous belching and correspondingly unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  3. gastric dyspepsia. The cause of rancidity can be shortness of digestion, provoked by the dysfunction of the stomach.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. This disease provokes bursts gastric juice concentrate to the top of the esophagus, where it enters the oral cavity. It may develop due to abuse of acute and fatty foods and overeating permanent (albeit useful food, rich in vitamins and minerals - an overabundance of it, too bad).
  5. Violation of motor activity of the stomach. At reduced motility Biliary bile stagnates in them, at high - to make sharp bile emissions in 12-duodenum, and then the stomach, esophagus and oral cavity, causing bitterness, burning and heartburn.
  6. dysbacteriosis. Under normal circumstances, lives in the human intestine and the large number of useful functions bacteria capable of synthesizing vitamins, create microflora and generally improve the immune force body. If the intestinal microflora is normal, then there is no problem, but if the imbalance occurs, then there is dysbiosis, becoming a cause of bitterness in the mouth.
  7. giardiasis. Disease provoked by penetration into the body lamblia (intestinal parasite), causing disturbances in the functioning of the small intestine. Nausea, bitter, disturbed sleep.

Dental disease:

  1. Inflammation of the gums, tongue mucous membranes. It occurs when a person takes care of his teeth casually, with a bitter taste bad smell from the mouth is added.
  2. Increased sensitivity to external interference - implantation of dental crowns, dentures or fillings. This stems from the bitter taste often becomes a raw material for dentures, fillings or gel for fixing artificial teeth.

For other reasons include:

  1. If the observed liver dysfunction (any disease) then growing inflammatory processes adversely affect the production of bile and its transportation systems relevant to the organism.
  2. Disorders of the nervous system, the peripheral nerves which are responsible for taste and smell receptors inflamed also alter taste perception of the food and make it bitter.
  3. In times when increased levels of glucose, vision starts to deteriorate, there is a feeling of weakness and heat on the hands and feet, along with the mouth becomes very noticeable bitter taste in the blood.
  4. Overall toxicity organism, which is observed in lesions of its heavy metals such as mercury, lead, copper and others.
  5. Disruptions to the endocrine system leads to the fact that the thyroid gland along with the adrenal gland begins to produce a huge amount of adrenaline. As a result, bile duct taper that provokes bile emissions towards the esophagus and the appearance of bitterness.
  6. Zinc deficiency - an important micronutrient that is needed for normal functioning of cells, and taste receptor in particular.
  7. Smoking for many years. Prolonged exposure to tobacco and its derivatives detrimental to the taste buds, resulting smoker begins to feel unpleasant bitterness.

Bitter taste in the mouth during a meal causes

Sometimes during the meal felt a bitter taste in the mouth. When this phenomenon is one-off, it could be the form and method of cooking.

But what if the bitterness in the mouth becomes chronic? To begin to see a doctor. He will be able to determine to what disease relates this symptom after the prescribed treatment. The main reasons for the appearance of bitterness in the mouth during eating are:

  1. Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gall bladder, which is accompanied by painful sensations in her side, mucosal dryness, high body temperature.
  2. Dysfunction of internal organs. Diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder.
  3. Improper diet. It is not recommended to use fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, sodas, fast food. As a result, their use may appear a feeling of bitterness.
  4. Acid reflux, nauseating aftertaste. The reason for the appearance of bitterness serves gastric juice, which starts to rise from the stomach through the esophagus to the oral cavity.
  5. Violation of the taste buds. Receptors, which are responsible for the perception and recognition of taste do not work. All the products that consume a person, do not differ in taste for it. This occurs due to excessive amount feniltiokabamida in the body.
  6. Hormonal changes the body during pregnancy.
  7. Dental diseases of teeth, gums, body reaction to seal or crown.
  8. Disturbance of acid-alkaline balance. Accompanied by lethargy, muscle fatigue, pain in the joints.

When you see such symptoms after eating it is recommended to follow the rules of healthy eating. Avoid eating fatty, fried, salty, bitter, sour food, soft drink, sweets, bakery products. It is advisable not to transfer, the food should be easily processed and assimilated by the body.

Food poisoning and bitter saliva

Food poisoning is often accompanied by the taste of bile due to the overall toxicity of the organism, sboov in the digestive system. This vomiting bile, and bile reflux. Often the person is not available after the poisoning appetite. The food in the stomach does not flow, and bile, even though it is produced by the liver clock. It stagnates and some part is thrown into the stomach and esophagus.

Time is needed for the normalization of the digestive tract after the disappearance of symptoms of poisoning. Then the bad taste will be.

Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning

From that bitter taste in the mouth to determine one basis is not possible, because the causes of this symptom may be different dysfunctions of internal organs:

  • Overeating before bed.
  • Reaction GI food: salty, fatty, bitter, fried foods, spices and nuts.
  • Violation of the gallbladder. A malfunction occurs in the formulation, and excretion of bile resulting manifestation of diseases such as cholecystitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, congestion, neoplasms.
  • Incorrectly matched material or made prosthesis, crown seal. The result is oral malodor.
  • Disease and dysfunction of the digestive organs.
  • Bowel dysbacteriosis, which is produced after receiving antibiotics.
  • Diseases in the oral cavity, teeth, gums, white coating on the tongue.
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Abnormal liver functioning: icterus, cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  • Unstable psycho-emotional condition: stress, neurosis, depression.
  • Violations of the kidneys.
  • ENT pathology.
  • Intoxication metals: lead, mercury, and copper.
  • Diabetes and other endocrine dysfunction.

Constant feeling of bitterness

When a bitter taste in the mouth appears regularly, it indicates serious disorders and diseases. At constant bitterness is an urgent need to visit a doctor who will help determine the diagnosis of the state. Regularly occurring bitter sensation in the mouth can be a sign of occurrence cholecystitis cholelithiasis, Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine or psychiatric.

Bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy

During pregnancy a woman's body changes occur so strong as hormonal and physiological, that the appearance of any unusual taste or other strange symptoms should be taken as normal. In one trimester progesterone increase has a relaxing effect on the valve, which separates the esophagus and stomach, the bile acid and therefore can pass into the esophagus, causing a bitter taste, nausea and vomiting.

At later stages of heartburn, a bitter taste woman deliver discomfort, this is due to fetal growth and pressure on the gall bladder, stomach, this symptom pursues a pregnant woman to the most delivery. To reduce the frequency and intensity of unpleasant symptoms, a woman should follow a certain diet - to exclude fried and fatty foods, coffee, sour and spicy foods should eat little and often, to avoid fluid intake during meals and only drink in between food.


It is important to know that to determine the cause and to choose treatment methods is strictly prohibited, as incorrectly selected medications can only do harm to the body. The struggle against this manifestation must begin and continue only after an expert diagnosis.

Diagnostic methods of this symptom:

  1. Blood tests: general and biochemical - to help identify the presence and extent of the inflammatory process, to assess liver function, the parameters of lipid and pigment exchanges.
  2. Fecal bacteriological composition of the intestinal flora - detects dysbacteriosis.
  3. Fecal (coprogram) - reveals violations in the digestion of food, gives information about the possible presence of parasites in the gut.
  4. Roentgen abdominal - prescribed to detect stones in the ducts, pancreatic possible calcification.
  5. Ultrasonography of the hepatobiliary system (ultrasound) - highly informative method of diagnosing pathologies of the liver, gall bladder and ducts. It can be used to determine the parameters and location of the gallbladder, bile stasis, Choose calculi, tumors, polyps.
  6. Computed tomography of the abdomen - it can help to explore the layers in any area of ​​the abdomen, to evaluate the pathological changes of organ damage.
  7. Endoscopic examination of the digestive tract (fibroezofagogastroduodenoskopiya, fibrocolonoscopy) - are conducted to verify the presence of concomitant illnesses and differential diagnosis.
  8. Immunological analysis and for tumor markers - are dealt with suspected malignant process.

How to remove the bitter taste in the mouth, the cause of which has not been established?

If the cause is not determined by the bitterness in the mouth, it is recommended:

  1. Frequent eating small portions of food - effectively for women in late pregnancy, in which the bitterness caused by the pressure of the fetus on the digestive organs;
  2. Failure or smoking limit - if bitter taste receptors caused by disturbances due to constant exposure to tobacco smoke;
  3. Supplementation of probiotic in order to normalize the microflora, parasite clearance - effective method, if the bitterness caused by parasitic infestation, as is the case with giardiasis;
  4. Detoxification and cleansing of the bowel using sorbents - helps with the bitterness caused by food poisoning;
  5. A diet that eliminates fat and junk food, as well as spices, spicy, smoked food - it helps if the bitter taste in the mouth occurs due to indigestion;
  6. Normalization regime of sleep and rest, elimination of stress factors, exercise and fresh air - if the bitterness accompanies neurological disease and disorders of the psyche.

The bitterness in the mouth can not be treated at home with drugs, since it is not a disease, but only one of the symptoms of disorders of the body, each of which requires an individual approach treatment.

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