
Hemorrhoids in women: Symptoms, photo, hemorrhoid treatment at home

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Many people have formed a mistaken idea that hemorrhoids is a purely male disease. This is definitely a misconception, so if there is a question about whether there is hemorrhoids in women, the answer is unequivocal - yes, it happens.

According to statistics, the female body is subjected insidious disease not less than men, but a false shame and naive embarrassment prevent them seek timely advice proctologist. No shame, this should not be.

Why do women have hemorrhoids?

Physiological characteristics of the female organism are such that in addition to the general reasons that there is such an unpleasant disease like hemorrhoids:

  • heavy lifting;
  • heavy physical work;
  • violation of a chair;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • improper diet.

Added a few more:

  1. More women than men lead a sedentary lifestyle, the main female professions - hairdressers, salespeople, accountants, office workers - it is inactive, sedentary work. Indeed, lack of exercise leads to stagnation in the pelvic area, which triggers the development of symptoms of hemorrhoids in women.
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  3. Psychological causes - women are more emotional than men, suffer less stress, and sometimes become fixated on the problem. And psychological causes of hemorrhoids in women are triggered stronger than men.
  4. In the modern world it is replaced by walking, driving, limiting motor activity. Now women not lag behind men.
  5. More women than men are addicted to diet, which in most cases violated the chair and lead to constipation, the most obvious reasons for hemorrhoids.
  6. Some diseases of the female reproductive organs is also provokes congestion in the pelvic area, especially if they are chronic.
  7. Pregnancy and childbirth - another specific factor contributing to blood stagnation. During pregnancy and childbirth the uterus compresses the pelvic vessels and increases blood circulation in the pelvic veins.

In menstruating women may first appear symptoms of hemorrhoids and then recur during the month. A prerequisite for this is the overflow of blood vessels, increased blood flow to the pelvic area before menstruation.

Variations and step

Distinguish these types of hemorrhoids:

Outer expansion and stagnation of blood in the veins around the anus. During defecation, when a woman is severely strained, hemorrhoids come out and cause severe pain and discomfort.
Interior inflamed veins in the rectum. The manifestation of such hemorrhoids goes unnoticed because severe pain not felt until the nodes do not reach a significant size. Only when one begins to bleed and feel a foreign object into the anus, women think about hemorrhoids and future therapies.

There are four degrees of development of the disease. For each stage of its characteristic symptoms:

  1. The initial stage - in the diagnosis revealed swollen internal hemorrhoids captive. Among the symptoms observed small tolerable itch without pain and bleeding. Often, the first step of a person prefers to ignore the signs of the disease appeared.
  2. The second stage. The main symptom - hemorrhoids are bigger. Increasingly, the patient is experiencing symptoms such as intense itching and pain. Which can cause bleeding. Sometimes hemorrhoids fall out, but reduce a self. There are reflex spasms of the anus, digital examination in the diagnosis is painful.
  3. The third stage. The separated components are free to impossible. It happens that causes a painful spasm of the sphincter reflex lasting constipation. A person experiences these symptoms of neglected diseases: discomfort, pain, itching. Sore sometimes bleeds. The separated components are at risk of infection and inflammatory reactions. Repeated even small hemorrhoids bleeding can lead to anemia.
  4. The fourth stage. Thrombosis of internal hemorrhoids causes severe pain not only for sitting, walking or palpation patient area, but also at rest. The separated components can neither be independent nor instrumental surgical reposition, due to strong morphological changes in the structure of the corpora cavernosa of the rectum. Progressive disease caused by running hemorrhoids (portal hypertension, pelvic tumor and etc..).

Stage of hemorrhoids: see photos.


Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

The earliest manifestation of hemorrhoids in women is discomfort in the anus (see. Photo). It may occur during a bowel movement, sitting or walking. Itching, burning, foreign body sensation - all this testifies to the inflammation of venous nodes.

  • Another characteristic symptom of hemorrhoids - discharge of blood from the anus. As a rule, it can be found on the toilet paper after a bowel movement. Please note, if you notice bleeding, but no more violations or do not feel discomfort - consult a specialist. Such a signal can talk about a lot of intestinal diseases, up to cancer.
  • Over time, the symptoms of hemorrhoids worse. It appears swelling anus heaviness in the groin. It becomes difficult to go and hurt to sit. In the case of haemorrhoid pinching a woman experiences a sharp, excruciating pain. Sami sites can be found, if you touch the anus: they are felt as lumps under the skin. In advanced cases, the units may fall out.

It is remarkable that the hemorrhoid symptoms are worse during menstruation. This is caused by blood flow to the pelvic organs in the critical days.

It looks like hemorrhoids: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women.

View photo.



Apart from such troubles, as the swelling of hemorrhoidal cones, constant bleeding and pain, there are also more dangerous consequences.

  1. Anal fissures. Often arise with hemorrhoids. Their cause may be chronic constipation. They not only deliver the pain, but also can be an excellent medium for bacteria and infections.
  2. Paraproctitis. This festering tissues around the anus. It occurs at the wrong treatment of hemorrhoids, lack of hygiene, anal fissures. Paraproctitis always occurs suddenly and is accompanied by fever, weakness, severe pain in the anal canal.
  3. Thrombosis. Hemorrhoidal nodules swell when attempts, circulation is disturbed, it results in the formation of blood clots in knots. In this case there are constipation, pain in the anus, malodorous discharge, excessive bleeding.
  4. Polyps. formation of polyps in the colon is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to cancer. They can only be detected by careful examination. Symptoms include bleeding, severe pain.
  5. Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The walls of the rectum and colon are covered with sores that provoke bleeding.
  6. Krypto. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum, leading to abscess, and sometimes to cancer tumors.
  7. Rectal cancer. It sounds scary, but alas, it is possible. No need to immediately adjust itself to the worst. With adequate treatment of hemorrhoids can be defeated. But the older the person, the more the likelihood of cancer. This is especially true of women in the age postklimaticheskom.

These are not all the effects of hemorrhoids, but only the most common. Especially dangerous hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as it has an impact not only on the mother but also the baby. Stress, bleeding adversely affects the fetal position. It is therefore important to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, or start to treat it as early as possible. Do not forget about preventive measures such as proper nutrition, exercise, daily hygiene.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women?

Hemorrhoid treatment in women may be operative, conservative or associated with folk remedies.

Drug therapy is usually started with drugs that reduce inflammation and pain in the rectum. It can be candles and ointments topical application. They relieve pain, itching, have an antiseptic effect, have hemostatics effect. Candles are injected directly into the anus only after hygiene procedures. The ointment can be applied to a cotton swab and applied to the bumps. There are ointments with special nozzles for easy use in an internal hemorrhoid.

Together with topical preparations physician sometimes assigns tablets antiinflammatory, analgesic or laxative action. There are other, more radical methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids. Consider all the tactics in more detail.


Complex disease therapy includes not only drug treatment, but adjustment nutrition, lifestyle, medical gymnastics. This approach is most effective and can quickly cope with the main symptoms of the disease in Step 3 1- hemorrhoids.

Most often, symptoms of hemorrhoids are treated with topical preparations: ointments, gels, creams, rectal suppositories. These dosage forms are well established in the fight against disease. They do an excellent job with the pain, cropped inflammation, eliminate itching and bleeding. Many drugs have antiseptic and antibacterial activity possess anti-edematous effect, are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent further thrombogenesis.

When an internal hemorrhoid prescribe rectal suppositories, they are best cropped inflammation and eliminate the painful symptoms. Here is a list of the most common drugs:

  • Candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Relief Ultra;
  • Candles with epinephrine;
  • Posterisan;
  • Gepatrombin F;
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Candles with belladonna;
  • Candles with propolis.

The most popular ointments for hemorrhoids are:

  • Troksevazinovaya ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Posterisan;
  • Relief;
  • Gepatrombin F;
  • Aurobin;
  • Bezornil.

This form is the most effective drugs for eliminating external manifestations of the disease.

In cases where the local treatment is not effective enough, the doctor will recommend to combine candles and ointments venotonic drugs in the form of tablets or capsules. Unlike other cures for hemorrhoids, they do not take away the symptoms and act directly the cause of diseases by strengthening and toning vessel walls, improving circulation to the venous grid. Their action is aimed at decongesting, resorption of existing clots and preventing the formation and growth of new hemorrhoids.

For oral administered drugs such as:

  • flebodia,
  • detraleks,
  • Aescusan,
  • Troxerutin.

Conservative treatment is intended for the temporary relief of symptoms, so the complete cure of the disease should not expect tablets and ointments. After the acute stage stihanija woman needs to undergo surgery or minimally invasive treatment, depending on the severity of the pathological process.

Folk remedies

Treatment of internal hemorrhoid external female possible using several methods and recipes vdomashnih conditions:

  1. Homemade ointment. Many patients prepare ointment for themselves at home. As ingredients protrudes honey, propolis, beeswax, is used for the base oil or butter. Ointments can be made from mummy and birch tar.
  2. Hip baths. Such procedures involve the use of aqueous extracts of various herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, horse chestnut, onion peel, oak bark. The concentrated broth is poured into a bowl of warm water, which was placed for 20 minutes buttocks. Also popular baths with pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Compresses. Gauze bandages, rolled in multiple layers, impregnated buckthorn oil, decoction of medicinal plants, potato juice, an aqueous solution of propolis and other natural ingredients. When an internal hemorrhoid can be gauze.
  4. Vegetable suppositories. For women who spend long hours in the kitchen, it will not be difficult to make a rectal suppository of potatoes and carrots (photo samples can be found on the network),. For ease of administration ready liners lubricated with honey or sea buckthorn oil.
  5. Ice lotions. If the hemorrhoids strongly hurts ensure suppositories, lotions or ice cold water. Such means for a short time is applied to the inflamed nodules or bleeding.
  6. Microclysters. The syringe was placed 50 ml of vegetable oil, or chamomile, sage, celandine, onion broth. These ingredients contribute to a rapid decrease in the intensity of symptoms: inflammation, pain, bleeding.

How dangerous is unauthorized selection of the popular drugs? A woman taking a great interest in alternative medicine at the expense of medication can trigger the disease process.

Minimally invasive techniques

hemorrhoids treatment at the first and second stages is carried out using minimally invasive methods:

  1. Cryotherapy - a process of freezing hemorrhoids, which lasts for about three minutes. Once frozen tissue was thawed, their extinction occurs, and formed an open wound at the site of the former units. This method is carried out under the action of local anesthetics.
  2. Sclerotherapy comprising the administration of sclerosing agents with effect in hemorrhoid. It causes a flattening of varicose veins and their bonding. Recommended simultaneous hardening of no more than two of hemorrhoids, but is allowed to repeat the procedure two weeks.
  3. Ftokoagulyatsiya implemented using fiber, which is fed to the hemorrhoid to full contact. The radiated heat helps zapustevaniyu and bonding of the veins.
  4. Alloying using latex rings used for internal hemorrhoids type. He jumped on latex ring projecting unit and tightens it. The clamping of the vessel breaks down food with latex rings nodes independently rejected a week or two. In some cases, a few sessions.

Minimally invasive techniques eliminate the mere presence of hemorrhoids, but they do not eliminate the root cause - the excess blood flow to the veins of the colon. Therefore, a woman should follow the correction itself of its way of life and contribute to eliminate hazards.

latex ligation


Typically, this operation is indicated when the patient is suffering from hemorrhoids 4 degrees. It is particularly relevant if the components fall + they have blood clots. The method consists of an incision in the skin prianalnoy area, as well as the rectal mucosa of the host. Issechonnye fabric is then fixed to the underlying mucosal sites.

The operation is very effective, but relapses occur. Basically, hemorrhoids again makes itself felt after 3-5 years after surgery. Also, it does not exclude the occurrence of certain complications, such as acute pain in the anal canal or injury of difficulties with urination.


How quickly it will be quite difficult to predict recovery. Each organism possesses individual abilities to recover. However, almost all patients can get up and walk after only a few hours after surgery, and a few days later returned to her normal life, writing from the hospital.

In the early days of the chair can be painful, and baseline pain will bother some more time. In order to relieve the patient from discomfort appointed painkillers, softening, wound healing and laxative suppositories. In addition, your doctor may prescribe recumbent bath helps to relieve pain.

In the future, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations and follow a healthy lifestyle, not forgetting the constant Prevention of hemorrhoids: moderate exercise, a diet that provides a daily chair, careful hygiene.


As is known, in time to prevent the much better and cheaper (in all senses of the word) than a long and hard to treat. Fortunately, hemorrhoids is a disease for which we can influence, and quite successfully for the better. To understand what is the best amount to prevention, it would be appropriate to return to the disease occurrence factors and try to minimize them, if not eliminate altogether turns. If you sit all day at a desk in the office, engage in vigorous physical activity after hours.

Good prevention of hemorrhoids can be a moving sports. If you lift heavy things, try to increase the load gradually so that the body has adapted, and muscle strength increased. Then I do not have so much strain. Do not forget to pay attention to their nutrition. It must be balanced. And do not overeat.

If you are pregnant, this is not a reason to become "static" (in this case, of course, if there is no threat of miscarriage). Pregnancy is not a disease. Move more and do not neglect physical exercise for pregnant women. This will help the blood flow to the pelvic organs, make it more intensive circulation and significantly reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

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