
Keratome: symptoms, photo, treatment. Than to treat keratitis skin

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Keratome - a benign formation on human epidermis may be produced by compaction followed keratinization cells horny layer of the epidermis. It is as vague and clearly limited by the contour of a dark-colored growths.

The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 50 to 65 years. Sex in this case has absolutely no value. As suddenly as it appears verrucosum may disappear. However, over time it will relapse. And again in the same place.

What it is?

Keratome - a benign tumor of the skin, it is formed from the stratum corneum, consists of dead cells called keratinocytes.

Causes and risk factors

The main cause of keratomas adults - age-related changes of cells, in which the skin reaction to the impact of ultraviolet is broken, resulting in a local enhancement of production pigment in combination with keratinization epidermis. Since the location of the place keratomas usually falls on the open areas of the body or face, it confirms the role of excessive sun exposure in the process of its formation.

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It is proved that a genetic predisposition to the formation of keratitis also occurs frequently being transmitted in the male line. The risk for the appearance of skin lesions - those over 40-45 years, especially the owners of dry skin, as well as people who are prone to the formation of nevi, freckles, age spots.

Reducing the protective functions of the immune system and provoke uncontrolled growth of the basal layer of skin cells, which leads to keratinization some areas.

Aggravating factors that can influence the formation of keratitis are neuroendocrine pathology and metabolic disorders, lack of vitamin A the body malfunctions in the production of sex hormones, the effect on the skin of certain chemical compounds or juice of poisonous plants, long-term use of diuretics, antibiotics. Horny skin keratome may be formed as a result of continuous pressure or friction elements of clothing.

Do keratomas dangerous?

Keratomas adults both dangerous and safe. This means that in general keratomas safe tumors because they are benign, but in certain times they can become dangerous due to malignancy, and converting them into a cancer tumor. That is, until keratomas not started the process of malignant transformation and rebirth into cancer, it is safe.

Based on the fact that the keratome itself is a safe form, and becomes dangerous only when malignant degeneration, it is very important to monitor the status of the tumor and to fix possible signs it transformation into cancer. At present, the signs of malignancy keratitis are the following changes in it:

  • Keratome began to grow rapidly;
  • Keratome started bleeding without injury;
  • Keratome beginning to itch.

This means that the detection of these signs should be as soon as possible to see a doctor and remove suspicious keratitis.

In addition, keratomas danger is that some form of externally similar to skin cancer, so that even experienced doctors can not always distinguish one entity from another. In such situations, it is recommended as soon as possible to remove a suspicious tumor and send it to the histological examination. If the results of histology reveals that education really had cancer, then complete recovery should undergo a course of chemotherapy.

Finally, the indirect risk of keratitis is that the simultaneous appearance on the skin of a large number of such tumors a high probability of developing cancer in any internal organ. In such a situation it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination, which will reveal the growing cancer tumor and remove it at an early stage.

Types and symptoms of keratitis

There are several varieties of keratitis (see. photo), different external manifestations, the nature of growth and the patient's feelings, as well as the degree of malignancy of tumors of risk:

  1. Senile or senile verrucosum - plural formation with whitish or gray tint. Age growths occur in people after 30 years, usually in the neck, face, hands on the back side, at least on the stomach, back, chest and legs. After some time, education can increase in size and covered with plaques. Senile keratome prone to inflammation, but rarely becomes malignant form.
  2. Seborrheic keratome. A characteristic feature is a very slow tumor growth. After the formation of yellowish spots on the skin 2-3 cm. in diameter, its surface is sealed, covered with scab greasy surface are easily separated from the skin. Over time the sizes keratomas increases, peel gain layering, often reaching a thickness of 1.5 cm or more, covered deep cracks. The color changes to dark growths (brown, black). Damage keratomas brings discomfort and pain at the same time there may be a moderate bleeding. The region of localization of this type of keratitis - chest, back, shoulders, scalp, rarely - face, neck; often tumors in groups, sometimes appear singly.
  3. Horny keratome (another name - cutaneous horn) - is the formation of a conical or linear form, which occurs on the skin. Has a dark color, very often the formation of a few millimeters above the skin rises. For horny keratomas characterized by different sizes and shapes. Keratome arises on any parts of the body may be either single or plural. A characteristic feature of the horny keratomas is its ability to degeneration into cancer. With this in mind, should be treated cornea keratitis immediately after its appearance.
  4. Follicular. This type of disease is much rarer previous species, and often it is diagnosed in the female half of the population. The lesion is located more often on the scalp, and upper lip. Follicular keratome is expressed pigmented nodules sufficiently large size - their diameter may be greater than 1.5 cm. Nodules are either gray or pink shades, special pain they cause, but are cosmetic skin defects.
  5. Solar keratome or ketaktinichesky keratosis - a precancerous condition type that affects men over 40 years, often light-skinned. Neoplasms appear on areas of skin that are open to direct sunlight, in the form of multiple dense foci of hyperkeratosis, which are covered with dry greyish scales. The disease progresses slowly, gradually acquiring the character of a malignant and transformed into squamous cell carcinoma.


Before treatment, it is imperative to establish the presence of tumors and its appearance. This will reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, and as a result, and treatment. For example, some types of child keratitis can be mistaken for hemangioma or other growths on the skin.

skin examination and keratitis holds a dermatologist and oncologist, if necessary. Before you begin a full diagnosis, the physician visually examines education. Thus, it determines the possible form of education, its size, location and approximate number.

Further diagnostics may be:

  • Comparative diagnosis is carried out in the elderly. Its purpose - to examine not only the keratitis, but other tumors on the skin, comparing keratomas and papillomas, warts, etc...
  • Inspection keratomas using a special device, increase the size of the formation, - Dermatoscope.

When you see a large number of keratitis, or a dramatic increase in size, there is a risk of malignant skin tumors. When such an opportunity is held keratomas histology. For this part of the education is excised, and the cells are examined under a microscope. A further method is ultrasound diagnosis and biopsy formation.

Drug treatment keratomas

Drugs commonly used to cauterize the skin solar keratitis in adults of small size. The substance in the form of a cream, solution or emulsion is applied to the wound site in a particular dosage. The composition of these tools include:

  • acid (glycolic, trichloroacetic);
  • cytostatics (fluorouracil, podophyllin).

Removing spends only a doctor, because the excess dosage and improper use can cause chemical burns of the skin. For self application dermatologist can assign ointment with low active substance concentration, for example 5% fluorouracil.

Means applied to keratitis twice a day for 2-4 weeks, after which the resulting sores heal local hormonal or other regenerating agents.

Means for removing keratome may also contain phenol, tricresol, cresol, acetic acid. Formulation Examples - Ferezol, Papillek, Verrukatsid.

Folk remedies

The most common folk recipes for the treatment of adults keratomas:

  1. Grind to a state of powder 2 juniper laurel leaf and 10, and then to add 10 grams of pine oil and 100 grams of butter. Thoroughly mix all ingredients until smooth. Use the ointment prepared daily by processing the surface of tumors;
  2. Wash some fresh potatoes and rub them on a fine grater. Apply to the affected area of ​​skin resulting potato mixture and fix it using edible film or cotton. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm water and the remains of potatoes;
  3. Warm up a small amount of castor oil and use it for the treatment of the affected skin. Perform the procedure you need every day;
  4. Cut a large onion in half and apply to the inside of the affected area of ​​the skin. To fix, use a medical bandage or some cloth bandage. It is advisable to perform this procedure before going to bed. Duration of treatment - to eliminate symptoms.

The use of folk remedies at keratomas should be agreed with your doctor. Treatment to be effective, the procedure should be carried out regularly.

Removing keratomas

It is important to understand that self-medication or self-removal keratomas fraught with serious consequences for health. Injury to the build-up can contribute to its degeneration into a malignant tumor, so they should be removed only by a doctor.

There are various methods of removing keratosis:

  1. Removal keratome laser (through the action of laser beams) is considered the most effective method. Laser removal formations has no contraindications. The procedure is performed once only, excludes the possibility of manifestation of such problems in the future.
  2. Removal keratomas with nitrogen (cryosurgery). Liquid nitrogen buildup is removed without anesthesia, during surgery, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation. A week after the end of the procedure spots disappear. It remains smooth spot of pink color, which will disappear within a month. A similar method is most often used to remove senile keratitis type.
  3. Electrocoagulation. It is a method of thermal effects on the damaged area of ​​the skin using a high-frequency current. After successfully removing keratomas wound heals quickly under small crust. Removal of seborrheic keratomas manner with proper care does not leave scars on the skin.
  4. Radiosurgery is a non-contact method of removing damaged tissue by using radionozha. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the intervention does not damage surrounding tissue and leaves no scars. Such a method is widely used in cosmetics, it is used to remove malignant and benign tumors.
  5. Keratomas removal through surgery - the traditional method, which is carried out using a standard scalpel. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure ends with the imposition of intradermally cosmetic seam, which is easily removed after a few weeks.


If we talk about the most effective methods of data removal tumors, the reviews of those who used the laser removal keratitis - the most positive. The least traumatic skin without leaving scars and traces, as well as the need for a different This manipulation only once - all this should be considered the main advantages of this method of treatment keratitis.

With the help of surgery and many patients get rid of unsightly areas orogovevaniya and pigmentation of the skin, but it is more time-consuming and leaves in most cases vimba skin. But this method makes it possible to get rid of bulky tumors without recurrence of their education.

Using acids destroying tumor cells also brings expressed results, but it is rather high morbidity. The use of liquid nitrogen is considered one of the most frequently used methods of getting rid of keratitis, because this way reviews can be heard often, and for the most part they positive: using cryoablation not too painful for the disposal of various character keratitis, duration of the operation is small, and the efficiency - high.


Here are some tips on skin care products, which have keratomas:

  • Expose tumor and friction pressure.
  • Avoid contact with skin chemicals, including household chemicals. Be careful when working in the garden - at Keratea should not be exposed to harmful juices and pollen of poisonous plants.
  • Senile keratome should not be exposed to UV radiation. Apply sunscreen, wear a wide-brimmed hats, closed clothes made of light fabrics, in a word, select the security methods that are suitable for you.

Some folk remedies and principles of nutrition does not promise to guarantee the disappearance of the tumor, but not to allow its further growth may well be:

  • Try to eat as little as possible junk food containing carcinogens and other harmful substances. Choose more plant foods, reduce the consumption of meat (especially red).
  • Drink herbal teas, and eat foods rich in vitamin P. He is in citrus fruits, buckwheat, in the leaves of burdock in the dill and parsley, green tea, beans, berries purple.
  • Food not the best cook by frying and steaming, boil, simmer or bake.

If you have a keratome, it is better not to self-medicate, and seek medical advice. But to comply with the general principles of proper nutrition, try not to injure the tumor, do not expose it sunlight and comply with other methods of prevention of its growth is not only possible, but necessary.

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