
Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Method of administration and dosage in powder
  8. In case of poisoning
  9. With viral liver diseases
  10. With cirrhosis of the liver
  11. Side effects
  12. Overdose
  13. special instructions
  14. Drug interactions
  15. Analogs
  16. Storage conditions and periods
  17. Video about the drug Hepa-Merz

Hepa-Merz - hepatoprotective agent with pronounced properties, which is actively used in diagnosing liver pathologies of various origins, accompanied by damage to organ cells and the development of concomitant complications. It is necessary to take the drug only as directed, since it is important to obtain information about the state of the patient's body by means of a diagnostic examination.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available to patients in the form of a concentrate for parenteral use, placed in 10 ml dark glass ampoules. The solution has no specific aroma; its color may be yellowish.

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The ampoules with the solution are placed in small cardboard boxes, in each of which you can find 10 pieces. A description is attached to them, indicating in detail the features of use, contraindications and complications.

The medication can be found in the form of granules, which are often called powder because they are used to prepare a solution for oral administration. The granules are placed in small 5 g paper bags. A small cardboard box contains 30 bags, as well as a description. The composition of the drug in any form includes a component of ornithine, which has a therapeutic effect.

The granules contain several auxiliary ingredients:

  • Orange dye.
  • Orange and lemon flavor.
  • Saccharin.
  • Sodium cyclamate.
  • Levulose.

These substances have no therapeutic properties, but give the resulting solution a pleasant aroma and taste.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

The concentrate additionally contains water for injection, which also acts as a solvent, but does not have medicinal properties.

Terms of sale, prices

Pharmaceutical medication can be purchased freely in different pharmacies, which, if necessary, allows patients to undergo a therapeutic course.

The cost of different dosage forms of the drug ranges from 900-3000 rubles. depending on the quantity in the package and the region of distribution.

Pharmacological properties

Hepa-Merz (it is recommended to take the remedy after consulting a doctor) has hepatoprotective properties, therefore it is used in diagnosing liver pathologies of various origins.

Additionally, the drug improves the elimination of toxins and harmful compounds from the body that can disrupt the functioning of the organ, aggravate the course of diseases of the viral, bacterial origin.

The remedy has a beneficial effect on the work of other organs of the digestive system, facilitates their functioning, and reduces the likelihood of the development of concomitant symptoms from the digestive system.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug does not work immediately after the primary dosage enters the body. The main substance of the composition takes part in the synthesis of hormones and insulin, which has a positive effect on the liver and pancreas.

The tool also has a positive effect on protein metabolism, accelerates it, and stimulates the correct distribution of protein in tissues.

The drug also has other properties:

  • Promotes the elimination of toxins and harmful components from the body by activating the liver. Detoxification properties are manifested in the case of acute poisoning of the body or chronic, when harmful components come in small quantities, but constantly, and the symptoms are manifested in mild form.
  • The tool not only stimulates the restoration of liver cells of hepatocytes, but also helps prevent their damage as a result of taking drugs, food and drinks.
  • The drug helps to reduce the level of ammonia in the blood, with an increase in which patients develop complications from other organs.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

The agent, when it enters the digestive tract, is rapidly absorbed through the walls of the small intestine, spreading in the body and providing a therapeutic effect. The maximum concentration of the ingredient in the blood is reached 40 minutes after taking a single dosage, after which it gradually decreases.

During the day, the main substance is processed in the body, after which the products of its decay are evacuated with the help of the kidneys. The accumulation of the ingredient in the body does not occur, which reduces the likelihood of developing complications in the form of an overdose, but does not exclude it.

Indications for use

Hepa-Merz is prescribed for various liver pathologies and some other diseases.

Taking the medicine is usually indicated in the presence of the following abnormalities:

  • Hepatic form of encephalopathy at different stages of development. The drug is used as an independent method of therapy or in combination with other medicines.
  • Fatty hepatosis and other forms of liver disease.
  • The viral form of hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. When diagnosing such a violation, the remedy does not help to completely eliminate the manifestations, but somewhat alleviates the condition of the patients and prevents further progression of the disease.
  • Poisoning of the body with toxins of various origins. The medication is used as part of a comprehensive treatment, since the elimination of symptoms requires the appointment of funds from different groups.
  • Chronic alcoholism, in which liver cells are affected. The drug is prescribed only after refusal to take alcoholic beverages, it is often combined with other medicines to increase efficiency.
  • Alcohol poisoning in the acute stage. The remedy can be included in an emergency course to prevent damage to nerve cells.

The medicine is effective in the acute and chronic course of the pathological condition, as well as when complications appear against the background of the progression of symptoms.


Not all patients are allowed to take Hepa-Merz, since the agent has contraindications indicated by the manufacturer.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

These include the following conditions:

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition or a tendency to such reactions in the patient's history. The tool can provoke severe complications.
  • Severe diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute stage. The drug is not used for peptic ulcer disease, acute colitis or enteritis, which is associated with an increased risk of worsening symptoms.
  • Chronic renal failure. The agent is not recommended to be taken in the acute stage of the pathological condition. Some infectious diseases of the paired organ are also referred to as contraindications.
  • Bleeding that develops against the background of damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. As a result of the progression of symptoms, patients may develop a severe form of the disease, and taking the drug leads to an aggravation of the manifestations.
  • Acute mental disorders.
  • Alcohol consumption. The tool can be used to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol poisoning or during the period of alcoholism treatment, but it is not used simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, since the risk of complications increases significantly.
  • Acute period after suffering myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke. The drug is allowed to be used after elimination of acute manifestations.
  • A state of shock, manifested by acute symptoms and impaired consciousness of the patient.
  • The age of patients is up to 18 years.
  • Lactation and pregnancy period. There is not enough data on the effect of the ingredients of the composition on the body of the mother and child, so doctors prefer to refuse to use it. If during lactation it is necessary to take medication, feeding should be stopped for the entire period of use.

For patients, individual contraindications that are absent in the official instructions can be determined. For this, the specialist preliminarily conducts a diagnostic examination.

Method of administration and dosage in powder

Despite the presence of several dosage forms of the drug, doctors prefer to prescribe granules. Depending on the disease, the duration of the use of the medication may differ, as well as the dose for the patient.

In case of poisoning

Food poisoning and other disorders are not often treated with pellets. Usually, doctors prescribe this dosage form in the absence of acute manifestations in the form of repeated vomiting. In this case, the daily dosage of the drug is 20 g, that is, 4 bags of granules.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

Take no more than 1 packet at a time, after adding granules to 200 ml of water at room temperature. Receptions must be carried out at approximately equal time intervals to ensure a constant concentration of the ingredient in the blood.

The duration of therapeutic use is determined for the patient individually, depending on the severity of the manifestations. On average, 10 days is enough to obtain a therapeutic effect, but the duration can be adjusted individually after the examination.

With viral liver diseases

Hepa-Merz can be taken when diagnosing hepatitis of viral origin, when the liver is affected, the work of the entire digestive system is disrupted. The drug is used in courses of 2-3 weeks, depending on the manifestations and the presence of other complications in the patient.

As in the case of prescribing a drug for other diseases, the drug is taken orally in a single therapeutic dose of 5 g. The use can be repeated 3-4 times per day, which also depends on the body's response to the medicine. The maximum daily allowance can be increased to 8 sachets if the symptoms are acute.

In this case, it is allowed to use 2 bags at once at once, dissolving the granules in 200 ml of water. During the period of treatment, the specialist can individually change the dosage, but the patient should not do this on his own.

With cirrhosis of the liver

Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis requires the appointment of a drug in combination with other medicines. Usually, patients take a maintenance dose of 20 g per day, that is, 4 bags of granules, dividing the norm into 4 doses during the day.

The use of a maintenance dose is explained by the fact that only Hepa-Merz does not help to completely eliminate the symptoms, but alleviates the course of the disease. Sometimes the dose is increased to 6 packets per day if there are no positive changes within 7 days.

Side effects

The remedy does not often lead to the appearance of negative reactions from the internal organs and systems, but violation of the doctor's recommendations increases the likelihood of complications.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

Damage area Common reactions
Digestive organs On the part of the digestive system, complications manifest themselves in the form of nausea, bouts of vomiting and upset stools. In the absence of help and the continuation of taking the drug, the symptoms are aggravated, there is flatulence and bloating, pain in the stomach and intestines. Some patients report severe thirst and dryness of the oral mucous membranes, lack of appetite and indigestion.
Respiratory system The respiratory organs are not affected so often during treatment. Sometimes there is shortness of breath and cough, aggravated by intense physical activity or emotional stress. Symptoms appear in an acute form if the patient has a history of chronic respiratory diseases.
Nervous system Nervous system disorders usually appear when any local reactions progress. Patients may talk about headaches and dizziness, weakness and decreased performance, sleep disorders, which manifest themselves in different forms in different patients.
Leather Allergy to a medication rarely occurs in an acute form, but a rash and itching can bother the patient for several days if there is a tendency to such reactions. The condition worsens with continued administration of the medication, as there is a spread of the rash over large areas of the skin, as well as increased itching.

The appearance of negative reactions is considered a reason for immediate refusal of treatment. Sometimes the doctor allows you to continue therapy after the symptoms have been eliminated, but more often the patient is selected another medicine.


Hepa-Merz (it is necessary to take the powder only after dilution) does not lead to an overdose if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. Despite this, experts cannot rule out the likelihood of developing such complications.

In case of an overdose, there is an aggravation of all negative reactions, repeated vomiting during the day and a lack of appetite. Abdominal pain and severe flatulence aggravate symptoms. Allergy in case of an overdose manifests itself in an acute form, accompanied by severe itching and burning of the skin, the spread of the rash to large areas, and the aggravation of the tissue condition.

In case of overdose, it is important to seek immediate help. Experts necessarily carry out gastric lavage, after which enterosorbents are prescribed to accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body. You should not use medicines of different groups on your own, a doctor should prescribe them.

special instructions

In some cases, the powder cannot be prescribed to patients, since disorders of the stomach and intestines do not allow the component of the composition to be absorbed in the body. Then the patients are prescribed a solution that is administered intravenously at a dosage of 2-4 ampoules per day.

Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

Depending on the patient's condition, treatment may be canceled earlier, but the decision is made by the doctor after the examination. Often, an extension of the course is required, since the therapeutic effect is poorly expressed, the symptoms of the disease are present.

Drug interactions

The drug does not adversely affect the action of systemic drugs, therefore it can be used in combination with drugs from different groups.

Despite this, concomitant use with other hepatoprotectors is not recommended, as negative reactions may occur. If you need to use several medications, you should first visit a doctor. It is important to inform the specialist if the patient is taking any medication on an ongoing basis.


The inability to use the original drug makes patients look for analogues with similar properties.

Often they contain other substances in the composition, but there are analogues with the same composition:

  • Hepatosan contains dried pig liver cells, but also has hepatoprotective properties, helps to restore the liver, prevents organ damage by toxins and harmful substances. Prescribe a medicine for hepatitis and cirrhosis, toxic organ damage. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules for oral administration. The tool can be used in short and long courses, depending on the severity of the manifestations.
  • Sirepar has a natural origin and has hepatoprotective properties, helps to restore liver cells and reduces the load on the organ. The remedy is prescribed as an independent method of therapy or in combination with other medications. It is considered relatively safe when used correctly. Unlike the original, the analog is available only as a solution for parenteral administration.
  • Phosphogliv also stimulates the restoration of liver cells, additionally stimulates the elimination of toxins and saturates the organ with phospholipids. These components have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and other organs of the digestive tract. The medication is available in the form of capsules for oral administration, it can be used in long courses if necessary. The drug can be taken for chronic intoxications, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis, but usually the treatment is combined with the use of other medications.Hepa-Merz. How to take powder, instructions for use

Analogues can be used as directed by a doctor; it is not recommended to select them yourself.

Storage conditions and periods

For 5 years, it is allowed to store the medicine in a dark and cool place. It is important to restrict access to direct sunlight for children.

After the expiration date, the use of the product is prohibited.

Hepa-Merz is a hepatoprotective agent based on ornithine, available in different dosage forms. The drug is effective in the acute and chronic stages of the disease, helps to restore the affected liver cells. It must be taken as directed by a doctor, which will reduce the likelihood of complications.

Video about the drug Hepa-Merz

Sound course. Hepa-Merz:

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