
Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Methods of administration and dosage
  8. Side effects
  9. Overdose
  10. special instructions
  11. Drug interactions
  12. Analogs
  13. Storage conditions and periods
  14. Video about the drug Choledol

Choledol is a herbal preparation prescribed to patients for the purpose of normalize cholesterol levels and preventing the development of atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels. The instruction for the use of the medication describes the possibility of prescribing not only for therapy, but also for prevention of the development of atherosclerosis, some other diseases that develop as a result of an increase in the level cholesterol.

Composition and form of release

The drug is of plant origin.

The manufacturer indicates that the composition of the medication contains only natural ingredients with different properties and obtained from different parts of plants:

  • Blueberry fruits.
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  • Juice and extract from amaranth seeds.
  • Stone oil.
  • Ramsons in the form of juice.
  • Clover leaf extract.
  • Garlic concentrate.

The composition of the product does not include any synthetic ingredients, which makes it relatively safe for patients. The medication is available in the form of a special two-phase concentrate, placed in 50 ml vials. it is called two-phase due to the presence of 2 layers. The first layer is oil, located on top. Below it is the second layer.

The consistency of the product is liquid, oily, the aroma is specific, as is the taste. The bottle with the concentrate is placed in a cardboard box, in which you can find a description detailing the features of therapy and possible complications during its implementation.

Terms of sale, prices

Choledol (instructions for the use of the natural drug is attached to the bottle) is freely available in different pharmacies, which allows patients to take a course if necessary.

Its cost is approximately 950-1200 rubles. The price depends on the region of distribution and the manufacturer's batch.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has pronounced lipid-lowering properties, that is, it helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which leads to stopping the progression of the disease or preventing it development.

The tool has a positive effect on metabolic processes, stimulates them, reducing the likelihood of an imbalance in the body. The medication stimulates the immune forces, helps to improve digestion, and helps to eliminate harmful components from food and liquids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the herbal medicine is due to the ingredients that make up it. The drug helps to control the level of cholesterol in the blood and reduces its values ​​when they increase, which has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels to which cholesterol plaques are attached.

The tool prevents the formation of these plaques with their subsequent attachment to the walls of blood vessels. The action of the remedy affects not only the level of cholesterol in the blood.Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews

It also has other effects on the body:

  • Stimulates the cleansing of blood and lymph, helps to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication in patients with diseases of internal organs. The presence of garlic in the concentrate enhances the cleansing properties of the product.
  • Promotes the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food, improves the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
  • Additionally, the product saturates the tissues with the necessary substances contained in plant components, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the internal organs and the immune system.
  • The drug improves blood circulation, prevents oxygen starvation of tissues, saturates them not only with oxygen, but also with nutrients.
  • The presence of blueberries in the composition helps to improve the functioning of the visual apparatus, has a positive effect on the state of the myocardium and its functioning, the work of the nervous system. In the presence of complications from the nervous and cardiovascular systems, there is a stop in the progression of diseases, relief of acute symptoms.
  • Clover leaf extract has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, contains a large amount of valuable components.

The medicine also has regenerating properties, accelerates the process of repairing damaged tissues, and increases the elasticity of the vascular wall. As a result of the application, not only a stop of the progression of atherosclerotic changes is noted, but also an improvement in the work of internal organs and systems.

After taking medications inside, its components are quickly distributed throughout the body. They do not accumulate in blood and tissues, so the risk of overdose is low. Substances have a therapeutic effect, and some of their decay products are evacuated with bile, feces. A small amount is excreted by the kidneys.

The effect of the admission is not observed immediately. The first result is usually noted a few days after the start of the course. Only the passage of a full-fledged treatment can you see a lasting effect that persists for some time.

Indications for use

Choledol is used not only for diagnosing vascular pathologies.

The instructions for use describe the following conditions in which the medicine is prescribed:

  • Atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, in which there is damage to the inner layer, thickening or thinning of the walls, the appearance of protrusions.Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Disruption of metabolic processes and deterioration in the processing of lipids contained in food.
  • Increased blood cholesterol level, in which patients still have no vascular changes, and cholesterol plaques are not formed.
  • Arterial hypertension, aggravated by atherosclerotic vascular changes.
  • Heart pathologies in acute and chronic form. The remedy does not have a direct effect on the course of the disease, but its positive effect on the myocardium and blood circulation leads to an improvement in the condition.
  • Nervous disorders, damage to the vessels of the brain, arising against the background of atherosclerosis. The drug is used as part of a comprehensive treatment, since as an independent method it does not help to eliminate symptoms.

The medication can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent the development of atherosclerosis or the progression of diseases of the heart, nervous system, and other internal organs.


The drug is not prescribed in case of intolerance to its components or a tendency to such reactions in the patient's history. Herbal substances more often lead to the development of allergies than herbal ingredients, so it is important to take this contraindication into account.Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Other barriers to treatment include:

  • Internal bleeding associated with damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The drug can be used only after the elimination of acute manifestations.
  • A state of shock, in which there is a critical decrease in blood pressure indicators and other complications.
  • Gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. The drug is not used in the acute stage of the pathological condition, but after stopping the manifestations, it can be prescribed.
  • Enteritis and colitis in the acute stage. The drug can aggravate the course of a pathological condition, especially with its inflammatory origin.
  • Children and adolescents up to 18 years old. Such patients usually do not need to prescribe such medications. But if necessary, the concentrate is not used.
  • Malignant course of arterial hypertension, in which the indicators do not normalize after the use of conventional drugs.
  • Acute period in violation of cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction. Despite the positive effect of the drug on the work of the brain and heart, in the acute stage it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

During the examination, the doctor can identify individual contraindications for treatment that are not indicated by the manufacturer in the official instructions.

Methods of administration and dosage

Choledol (instructions for use describe that the medicine can be taken in pure form) is used only for oral use. The dosage of the two-phase concentrate is usually standard, but it should only be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary diagnostic examination.Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The standard scheme assumes the use of concentrate for 1 month. The reception is repeated 3 times a day with approximately equal time intervals. A prerequisite for treatment is the use of herbal medicine before meals. Experts consider the best reception 30 minutes before meals.

The remedy is taken in a non-standard way. In the morning, take only the concentrate of the first layer, that is, what is on the surface. It is necessary to carefully take the bottle and separate 2.5 ml of the oily liquid, use it internally. Days and evenings before dinner, you must take the product after shaking the bottle. The dosage is 5 ml per dose.

Do not exceed the dose or duration of therapy. Correction of treatment should be carried out only by a doctor.

Side effects

The herbal remedy does not often provoke complications, but doctors note that the risk of their occurrence increases in case of violation of the instructions for use. Disorders manifest themselves not only in the form of allergies, but also affect the work of internal organs.

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system From the side of the nervous system, complications manifest themselves in the form of headache and dizziness, weakness and fatigue. With prolonged persistence of symptoms, the patient's performance decreases, both mental and physical. The condition worsens with the addition of insomnia, irritability.
Respiratory system If the patient has chronic respiratory diseases, the drug can provoke complications in the form of a dry cough that irritates the mucous membranes of the throat. Some patients talk about choking, which develops during physical or emotional stress. Symptoms are aggravated with continued use of the drug, but usually disappears on their own after discontinuation of therapy.
Digestive tract On the part of the digestive system, complications in most cases occur in the presence of any chronic diseases. Patients talk about heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence. Occasionally, a stool disorder that aggravates the symptoms can result in a large amount of fluid loss.
Urinary organs Sometimes the herbal remedy leads to increased urination, pain in the kidneys and bladder, the appearance of blood in the urine.

The plant concentrate provokes allergies quite often, even in the case when the patient has not previously experienced such disorders. The condition manifests itself in the form of a rash, irritation, peeling of the skin. Patients report severe itching, which aggravates the symptoms. The patient combs the affected area, worsening the condition of the skin, increasing the risk of tissue infection.

Allergies can manifest as acute urticaria. It is more severe than a standard allergic reaction and can lead to other severe complications. Adverse reactions are considered a reason for refusing treatment. It is important to see a doctor who will prescribe special treatment if necessary.


Choledol (instructions for use of the drug should be studied before starting therapy) usually does not lead to the development of an overdose, which is due to the lack of a cumulative effect. Despite this, taking the concentrate at an increased dosage over a long period of time can provoke such reactions.

Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The condition is accompanied by the development of severe allergies, which leads to suffocation. Difficulty breathing is observed with swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat. Lack of treatment can lead to death.

Overdose can manifest itself in the form of repeated vomiting during the day, weakness, and upset stools. Patients are worried about headache and intense thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Dehydration develops as a result of impaired absorption of fluid in the digestive tract, manifests itself in the form of a convulsive syndrome. Especially often, such disorders occur in patients suffering from chronic neurological diseases.

If symptoms of an overdose appear, you should immediately stop therapy and visit a doctor. The patient can be treated in a hospital if symptoms appear in an acute form. The scheme of assistance is individual, since in patients an overdose may be accompanied by various disorders.

special instructions

If negative reactions appear, it is important to discontinue therapy and visit a doctor. Prescription of medications may not be required, but it is not worth continuing therapy, especially if the manifestations worsen.

It is allowed to mix the product with a small amount of water or drink it after taking it. This does not affect the therapeutic effect, but makes it easier to use, since the taste of the product is specific.

Drug interactions

Choledol (instructions for use of the drug are attached to the bottle) does not affect the action systemic medications, therefore, it is allowed to combine it with various agents when necessity.

The herbal preparation should not be used only in combination with medicines based on the same components. If the patient is taking medication on an ongoing basis, the doctor should be informed about it. He will decide on the appropriateness of the combination of drugs.


The medicine has no structural analogs with the same components, but many medicines are produced based on synthetic ingredients, with hypolipidemic properties:

  • Atoris in tablet form contains atorvastatin. The drug helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which leads to the elimination of the symptoms of the pathological condition. The tablets can be used in short and long courses, depending on the parameters in the laboratory blood test.Choledol. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Roxer's has an effect due to the presence of rosuvastatin in the composition. The drug has lipid-lowering properties, it is used even in severe atherosclerosis. It is prescribed only by a doctor after a preliminary examination.
  • Ezetrol prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol into the bloodstream, which helps control performance and reduce the likelihood of complications. The medication is available in tablet form, it is prescribed only by a doctor after an examination.

Analogs have a different composition, the mechanism of their action is somewhat different. But if necessary, drugs are prescribed to patients, as they are considered very effective.

Storage conditions and periods

When storing the product, it is necessary to exclude direct sunlight on the bottle, and also restrict access to children.

The storage period is 2 years. After the expiration date, the use of the medication is prohibited.

Choledol is a herbal preparation with lipid-lowering properties, which is often used in the treatment of patients with atherosclerotic vascular changes. The instructions for use of the concentrate describe the possibility of prophylactic administration if the patient does not have pronounced changes, complications of neurological origin.

Video about the drug Choledol

Choledol cholesterol remedy review:

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