
Metastasis of cancerous tumors in the bones: is there a chance and what is the prognosis?

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metastases in the bones Metastases in the bones are the severest complication of oncological disease. Usually development of pathology points to the last fourth stage of cancer.

In cases where the disease is started and metastases have already settled deep in the bones, life expectancy is negligible and is only a few months.

Metastases are characterized by the defeat of bone tissue by cancer cells. Pathological cells enter the bones through the blood supply or lymph flow.

Since the role of bone tissue in the body is great( musculoskeletal function, accumulation of minerals and so on), its damage adversely affects the quality of life of the cancer patient.

The most common occurrence of metastases in the bones occurs with the primary development of the following cancers:

  • of the breast;
  • of the prostate;
  • lung;
  • of the thyroid gland;
  • of the kidneys.

Although bone metastases may also occur with cancer of other organs. Most pathology develops in the ribs, spine, skull, as well as the femoral, humerus and pelvic bones.

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Contents of the article

  • Development and growth of bone metastases
  • Symptoms and characteristics
  • Diagnostic techniques
  • The aims and methods of therapy
    • About the objectives of
    • Therapy methods
  • Forecast and life expectancy
  • For the prevention of

Development and growth of bone metastases

The emergence of bone metastases is associated with a featurehuman body - a constant bone formation. This bone metastases process occurs due to two types of cells:

  • to osteoclasts( responsible for the destruction and absorption of bone cells);
  • to osteoblasts( responsible for the production of new bone tissue).

When a person is healthy, approximately every 10 years, a complete renewal of bone tissue occurs.

When bone is injured by cancer cells, the mechanism of action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts is disrupted.

What is osteoclasts?

Depending on the type of bone cell damage, two types of metastases are distinguished:

  1. With the osteolytic type of , cancer cells affect osteoclasts, therefore, thinning of the bone tissue occurs, which is accompanied by frequent fractures under the slightest stress.
  2. The osteoblastic type is characterized by osteoblast damage. In this regard, an unnatural increase in bone tissue, the appearance of growths and other neoplasms is noted. Most often, patients suffer from a mixed type, when bone thinning and the appearance of bone tumors occur simultaneously.

Symptomatic and characteristic signs of

Sometimes the appearance of metastases to the bone proceeds asymptomatically, but in most cases, the pathology is accompanied by attacks of severe pain, which is constantly increasing.

The occurrence of pain sensations is explained by the fact that the amount of mutated tissue is constantly growing, and therefore the nerve endings are squeezed.

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The intraosseous pressure also increases. Almost always, pathology is accompanied by a violation of the motor function of the body.

The main symptoms of penetrated bone metastases include:

  1. Frequent pathological fractures of the .Bones break at the slightest load due to the fact that they are severely depleted. compression syndrome
  2. Local changes that occur with the swelling of the or the formation of one or more dense patches at the site of injury.
  3. Hypercalcemia - the blood content of excessive amounts of calcium. A life-threatening phenomenon, since it affects the heart rhythm, can cause kidney failure or another fatal disease.
  4. Compression syndrome manifests itself by squeezing the spinal cord or nerve roots, as well as affecting the nervous system. It leads to impaired motor function, sometimes - to paralysis.
  5. The manifestation of an organism intoxication .Indication of intoxication syndrome may be apathy, depression, lethargy, chronic fatigue, weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and so on.

Diagnostic Techniques

Various methods of investigation are used for diagnosis:

  1. Radiography .Refers to the simplest and most accessible diagnostic method. The main drawback of using X-rays is that with its help it is impossible to detect pathology at an early stage. X-ray of the spine
  2. Computed tomography .Thanks to the digital processing of X-ray data, the doctor receives information on the extent and limits of bone damage.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging .Irradiation with radiological waves helps to determine the extent of the lesion metastases of bone tissue. Allows you to see the full picture of the disease.
  4. Scintigraphy of .The method is based on the determination of the accumulation of a special radioactive isotope by cancer cells. The application of the technique allows you to accurately determine the location of metastases.
  5. Biochemical blood test .The study determines the excessive calcium content in the blood.
  6. Biopsy of the .The method allows you to accurately diagnose, as a result of the study determines the belonging of bone tissue to a certain type. Material for biopsy is taken under local anesthesia, and then immediately sent to a cytological and histological study.

The choice of method for diagnosis may depend on the nature of the illness( patient complaints) and the medical equipment of the clinic.

Objectives and methods of therapy

X-ray in metastases Despite the fact that the prognosis for bone metastases in most cases is unfavorable, you can not hang your head and refuse treatment.

Treatments in the early stages greatly facilitate the life of the patient, and also increase his chance of life. If metastases are penetrated into the bone, the treatment should be started immediately.

About the objectives of

The main tasks in the therapy of metastases:

  • pain reduction;
  • destruction of cancer cells and obstruction to their reproduction;
  • disposal of intoxication;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases( eg, fractures).

It is obligatory to treat the primary cancer tumor, regardless of its location.

Methods of therapy

In order to cure metastases in the bones the following techniques are used:

  1. Chemotherapy .The use of cytostatic drugs in most cases stops the development of pathology. Reduction of tumor tissue is less common. The main disadvantage of chemotherapy is the presence of a large number of side effects.
  2. Radiation therapy .The technique is aimed at the destruction of cancer cells by means of X-ray irradiation. In cases of single pathology formation, radiation therapy treatment has high results. With numerous lesions, biosphosphonates may have a prolonged remission.
  3. Medication Therapy .With metastases of cancer, put into the bone, biosphosphonates are used. These drugs help restore bone tissue.

Often the doctor recommends combining the use of medications with chemotherapy or radiotherapy for the highest efficacy. In addition, the patient is prescribed medication, whose action is aimed at reducing pain, and immunostimulants to increase the body's defenses.

But there is no need to resort to treatment with folk remedies, since such actions can be aggravated by even greater complications. It is necessary to act according to the recommendations and advice of an oncologist.

Prognosis and life expectancy of

In most cases, when diagnosing metastases, the predictions are unfavorable. The presence of pathology indicates cancer of the fourth stage.

The life expectancy of such patients ranges from three months to a year, in rare cases the patient manages to live two years.

The lifespan for metastases in bone tissues is affected by:

  • treatment of primary oncology;
  • development stage;
  • features leaking.

The earlier the pathology is detected, the more chances of life, so early diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment play a key role in this matter.

For the prevention of

health and prevention of diseases of the spine The main point in the prevention of the appearance of metastases in the bones is the diagnosis of the primary tumor in the early stages. This allows timely treatment and stop the process of reproduction of cancer cells and their defeat by other organs.

An important role is also played by proper treatment aimed at destroying pathological cells and increasing the resistance of the body to diseases.

To reduce the risk of developing pathology, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding diet, exercise, medication and so on.

Metastases in the bones - a serious complication of oncology, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. With the development of pathology, life forecasts are small.

But if the timely diagnosis of the complication and start treatment, the duration and quality of life of the patient will be increased.

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