
Bradilalia is in speech therapy what is, definition, reasons

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  1. What is bradilalia and its causes
  2. Classification
  3. Speech bradilalia
  4. Pathological bradilalia
  5. Cerebellar bradilalia
  6. Symptoms
  7. Speech symptoms
  8. Non-speech symptoms
  9. Why is it necessary to correct, treat bradilalia?
  10. Diagnostics
  11. Speech therapy correction of bradilalia
  12. Repeating phrases
  13. Repetition of poems
  14. Stage improvisation
  15. Reading tongue twisters
  16. Complex treatment of bradilalia
  17. Forecast
  18. Video about bradilalia

Bradilalia in speech therapy is congenital or acquired speech pathology, which is manifested by a violation of the natural pace and speed of pronunciation of words, individual phrases and sentences. A person with this disease has too slow speech, long pauses between phrases. In this regard, the sentences pronounced by the patient with bradilalia become incoherent in terms of the semantic load.

The danger of this disorder lies in the fact that speech delay is not the only symptom of this disease. In most cases, bradilalia is accompanied by very slow thinking, reading and writing. People with this violation of speech activity suffer from psychological discomfort, acquire complexes, become withdrawn and uncommunicative.

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What is bradilalia and its causes

In speech therapy, bradilalia is distinguished as a separate pathology, which is expressed in a slow pronunciation of words, too long thinking to select the next phrase. The patient is not able to quickly formulate a complex sentence. In this regard, a person suffering from bradilalia can start a conversation at a normal speech rate, but after 2-3 seconds begins to swallow words, his speech becomes slow, muffled, attention is focused on finding new phrases and phrases.

The following factors are distinguished, the impact of which contributes to the development of bradilalia in adults and children of different age groups:

  • hereditary predisposition to the development of this violation of speech activity (bradilalia is transmitted along with genetic information through the mother or father);
  • brain damage as a result of ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebral stroke;
  • intoxication of the fetus with chemicals or biological poisons at the stage of intrauterine development;
  • extraneous neoplasms in the tissues of the brain (disturbances in the speed and tempo of speech cause benign and oncological tumors);
  • Parkinson's syndrome (this cause of bradilalia is most often diagnosed in elderly people whose brain is undergoing irreversible changes);
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • long-term use of drugs;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • birth trauma received by the child during the birth process;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the cerebellum, disrupting the normal functioning of this part of the central nervous system;
  • consequences of severe craniocerebral trauma as a result of impact, falling from a great height, accident.
Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasons
Bradilalia in speech therapy

Each pathological cause that caused bradilalia that can provoke additional symptoms, which indicate damage to the central nervous system, changes in the structure of brain tissues, the consequences of intoxication organism. For example, bradilalia caused by a tumor of the cerebellum is accompanied by unmodulated speech, a complete absence of pronounced voice intonation and overtones.


Bradilalia is classified into 3 distinct forms, each of which causes the manifestation of moderate or severe speech impairment.

Speech bradilalia

It is believed that speech bradilalia develops in people with a phlegmatic type of temperament, who are initially prone to slowness, are distinguished by lethargy of psychoemotional reactions. In this case, the occurrence of this speech therapy disorder may be a consequence of a stressful situation, prolonged psychoemotional overstrain.

Speech bradilalia, which is not complicated by concomitant neurological diseases, lends itself much more easily to speech therapy correction.

Pathological bradilalia

Speech therapy disorder of this type develops as a result of the presence of concomitant diseases of the brain, or is a consequence of previously experienced trauma. The pathology of this form is characterized by the presence of a too slow rate of speech, which is simultaneously combined with the manifestation of concomitant symptoms of a neurological disease.

For example, this type of bradilalia can be caused by the consequences of traumatic brain injury, cerebral stroke, meningitis, or oligophrenia. The complexity of the treatment of pathological bradilalia lies in the fact that in order to restore the normal tempo and speed of speech, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy of the underlying neurological disease.

Cerebellar bradilalia

A distinctive feature of cerebellar bradilalia is that in a patient with this diagnosis, the function of speech modulation is impaired, but at the same time the speech itself acquires signs of chanting. The development of this disorder occurs due to focal damage to the tissues of the cerebellum. Pathology can be caused by tumor neoplasms, endocrine disorders, the consequences of skull injuries.

According to the saturation of clinical manifestations, bradilalia is classified into speech therapy disorder of mild and severe severity. In the first case, speech disorders are present, but they remain subtle, causing the patient to have minor psychological discomfort.Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasons

Severe bradilalia is manifested by pronounced disorders in the work of the speech apparatus. The patient's words and phrases become incomprehensible to others. The person loses the ability to implement the communicative function. A person with bradilalia is not able to construct a simple or complex sentence so that it is legible for the interlocutor.


Bradilalia is (in speech therapy, this disease is treated with the help of special exercises to train the speech apparatus) a pathology that can occur in a person of any age. The main signs of the disease are the manifestation of an imbalance in the motor functions of speech.

Bradilalia can be recognized by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • long pauses between simple, complex sentences or separate phrases;
  • lack of voice modulation skills depending on the emotional state of certain life circumstances, events;
  • extended reproduction of vowels or certain sounds;
  • monotonous pronunciation of words, phrases or whole sentences;
  • impaired coordination of movements while walking or performing other actions (the presence of this symptom typical in those clinical cases when bradilalia is caused by damage to the cerebellum or other areas Central nervous system);
  • poor motor skills of the upper limbs;
  • lack of normal emotional reactions to external stimuli;
  • sluggish and too slow movements that remain within the same rhythm, regardless of the nature of the actions and the goals set;
  • weak development or complete absence of a mimic component (in most cases, this symptom is combined with monotony of speech and emotional indifference).

In patients with bradilalia, there are signs of dysfunction of the speech apparatus, which are manifested both in a monologue and during a dialogue. It is difficult for people with this diagnosis to communicate with a large group of interlocutors at the same time. Difficulties arise with quickly switching from one type of activity to other tasks.

Quite often, the above signs of bradilalia are diagnosed in children of the younger age group. Parents of such a child should not attribute the excessive slowness of their son or daughter to the peculiarity of their temperament. You should immediately contact a speech therapist and a pediatric neuropathologist for a comprehensive examination.

Children with bradilalia experience serious difficulties with academic performance at school; they remember new information much more slowly than their peers. A child with this diagnosis most often has a bad memory, is not able to independently build logical conclusions even in the simplest situations.

Children with bradilalia, who are aware of their peculiarity, can withdraw into themselves, experience psychological discomfort while communicating with teachers, educators, classmates. Psycho-emotional experiences can aggravate the manifestations of bradilalia, as well as provoke another speech therapy disorder in the form of stuttering.

Speech symptoms

The manifestation of speech symptoms is limited to monotony, muffled speech. Adults and children with bradilalia can pronounce entire sentences stretched out without dividing them into punctuation marks. The speech of a person with this diagnosis is filled with a large number of pauses, the occurrence of which is associated with too slow thinking. The patient is forced to spend a lot of time choosing the right words and phrases.

Non-speech symptoms

Non-speech symptoms include the following behavioral disorders that are present in a person diagnosed with bradilalia:

  • slow reading and writing;
  • poor motor skills of the fingers;Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasons
  • lack of ability to multitask (for example, a child can only perform one type of activity, and switching attention to other goals takes too much time, or is completely impossible).

The presence of non-speech symptoms is characteristic of diseases of the central nervous system, organic lesions of the cerebellar tissue. The manifestation of these signs of bradilalia can be caused by concomitant neurological disorders and tumor neoplasms in the structure of the brain.

Why is it necessary to correct, treat bradilalia?

Bradilalia is (in speech therapy, this disorder requires complex treatment) a pathology that interferes with the normal psychological and mental development of a person. This disease is especially dangerous if it is diagnosed in a child of a younger age group.

Treatment of bradilalia is necessary to achieve the following therapeutic goals:

  • full integration in society;
  • the ability to build simple and complex sentences;
  • development of the speed of thinking;
  • restoration of fast hand motor skills and normal coordination of movements;
  • fighting excessive slowness;
  • elimination of signs of psychoemotional indifference, which are present in the speech of most patients with bradilalia;
  • prevention of psychological complexes;
  • training memory and improving concentration;
  • improving school performance.

Adults and children who have undergone a course of psychological treatment, have received qualified help from a speech therapist, are returning to normal life. Lack of timely therapy is fraught with aggravation of bradilalia, as well as the development of concomitant neurodynamic disorders.


The table below describes the main examination methods that are used in the diagnosis of bradilalia.

Methods for diagnosing bradilalia The essence of the survey
Taking anamnesis The specialist who examines the patient finds out the time of the onset of the symptoms of speech disorder. The doctor is interested in the presence or absence of additional signs of concomitant neurological diseases in the patient.
Analysis of cognitive functions and sound quality The speech therapist assesses how well the patient pronounces individual words, sounds, phrases. Additionally, the speed of reading and writing is checked.
Assessment of the state of the brain The implementation of this diagnostic method involves conducting an MRI or electroencephalography of the brain. The purpose of this examination is to detect possible foci of the pathological state of the central nervous system.

According to the results of the diagnosis of the patient, the potential causes that provoked the development of bradilalia are determined. Based on the collected data, the most effective treatment regimen is selected.

Speech therapy correction of bradilalia

Bradilalia is (in speech therapy this pathology is isolated as an independent disease) a speech disorder, speech therapy treatment of which involves the regular implementation of special exercises. For each patient individually, trainings are developed to develop the imagination, improve the clarity of words, certain phrases, sounds.Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasons

With the help of speech therapy exercises, the effect of speeding up speech is achieved without reducing the quality of pronunciation of letters, words and phrases. To develop the speed of the thinking process, trainings are used to improve memory functions and quick wits.

Repeating phrases

This type of speech therapy correction is used to improve the clarity of the pronunciation of the same phrases, phrases, sounds.

The implementation of this exercise is as follows:

  1. The speech therapist repeats the same word, pronouncing it under clapping hands or tapping with a foot.
  2. The patient repeats this phrase, adjusting to the rhythmic sound of a clap or beat.
  3. Speech therapist speeds up the pace of pronunciation of the training word.

In this case, the patient's task is to keep up with the rhythm of speech reproduction of words, which is set by the speech therapist. The duration of training is not limited by time.

Repetition of poems

The use of this training helps to develop memory, speed up speech and improve the clarity of pronunciation of words.

This exercise is performed according to the following rules:

  1. The speech therapist reads individual lines from the poem.
  2. The patient repeats the spoken phrases following the specialist.
  3. Each time the speech therapist increases the speed of reading the verse.

This exercise is suitable for treating mild bradilalia. The repetition of lines from poems can be used to treat speech therapy disorders in middle-aged children and adults.

Stage improvisation

The principle of this speech therapy exercise is for the patient to increase the speed of speech and also achieve greater expressiveness of his voice.

To complete this exercise, you must observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. The speech therapist gives the patient a pre-composed script with words for each participant in the scene.
  2. A stage performance is played out, during which a speech therapist and a patient with bradilalia pronounce words corresponding to their roles.
  3. Upon completion of the training, the speech therapist always praises the patient, indicating his high efficiency in improving the quality and speed of speech.

This speech therapy exercise is great for group therapy. For example, when several children or patients of the adult age group undergo treatment for bradilalia at once.

Reading tongue twisters

Bradilalia is (in speech therapy, this disorder occurs due to acute and chronic diseases of the brain) a violation of the functions of speech, which can be corrected with the help of tongue twisters. The patient repeats a set of the same phrases and phrases 20-25 times, accelerating the rate of speech. Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasonsThe speech therapist makes sure that the words spoken by the patient sound as clear as possible. If necessary, the specialist points out the mistakes to the patient.

Complex treatment of bradilalia

The table below lists the main stages of therapy for this disease, which allow you to restore the normal functions of the speech apparatus.

Methods of complex treatment of bradilalia Features of the therapeutic process
Psychotherapeutic correction At this stage of treatment, a sick child or adult undergoes a course of individual consultations with a psychotherapist. During personal conversations, the doctor of this profile will find out the psychological reasons that caused the speech therapy disorder. The goal of psychotherapy is to increase the patient's internal self-esteem, accelerate his social adaptation, overcome internal barriers and isolation in terms of communication with people around him.
Physiotherapy procedures The use of the physiotherapy method is necessary for the full physical development of the patient. Especially if the signs of bradilalia are diagnosed in a small child. Exercises of physiotherapy exercises, regular visits to the pool, and a course of massage allow improve the motility of the upper limbs, coordination of movements, increase the speed of the motor function of the muscle apparatus.
Autogenic training The essence of autogenous training is to relieve mental stress, which is present in a patient with bradilalia. For example, if, against the background of a severe form of speech therapy disorder, an adult or a small child has already developed psychological complexes.
Drug treatment The use of drugs is a prerequisite for the successful treatment of pathological bradilalia. The use of drug therapy can save the patient from the underlying disease, which caused a violation of the speed and tempo of speech. For example, if bradilalia is provoked by a tumor of the cerebellum, meningitis, intoxication of the body with poisonous substances.

Bradilalia in speech therapy. What is it, reasonsBradilalia speech therapy continues for 6-12 months. depending on the severity of the clinical case. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chances of a complete restoration of speech functions with a minimum risk of recurrence of this disorder.


Bradilalia lends itself well to speech therapy and drug correction if the therapeutic process is started in a timely manner, after the first signs of a speech disorder are detected. In this case, the restoration of the normal speed and tempo of the patient's speech can be achieved within 4-6 months.

Severe bradilalia requires longer treatment, which lasts at least 1 year. At the same time, there is no guarantee that with the help of speech therapy exercises, psychotherapy sessions, it will be possible to completely eliminate the signs of too slow speech. Residual symptoms of bradilalia may persist. For example, if the development of a speech disorder is caused by a chronic brain disease.

In speech therapy, bradilalia is isolated as a separate speech disorder. This disease can develop in children, adult men and women of all ages. Bradilalia is provoked by acute and chronic diseases of the central nervous system, the consequences of severe intoxication of the body, trauma to the skull.

This speech therapy disorder is manifested by a violation of the tempo and speed of speech. The patient's words become indistinct. A person loses the ability to quickly build phrases and complex sentences. Treatment of bradilalia requires long-term work with a speech therapist and a psychotherapist.

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