Child Development

Influence of fairy tales on children's development

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the influence of fairy tales on the development of children The child enters the magical world of fairy tales from early childhood. Since two years olds love when they read books for the night.

If a child is loved and taken care of by him, then he hears stories from infancy, first his mother sings lullabies to him, and then, when the kid grows up, he reads poems and fairy tales.

It is thanks to fairy tales that a child learns about literature, knows human relationships and the world around him. Many parents are surprised why a child can not show the world what it is, tell a real story from life, and not a fairy tale.

But, nevertheless, a fairy tale is an important psychological moment in a child's life, he needs it like in toys or games, but can loving parents be able to forbid a child to play?

Psychologists believe that it is the tales that help the child to know the world around him, because the language of fairy tales is simple and understandable. A fairy tale does not make you think logically, strain your brain.

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  1. Children do not like being scolded or instructed, and the fairy tale does not do it directly.
  2. It offers the kid interesting images, stories, characters, and morale and vital information is automatically absorbed by the child, he does not even notice it.
  3. So the child understands, where is good, and where is evil.

Attaching a baby to a fairy tale, you will teach him to act mentally in imaginary situations, which is very useful for a creative person. On the one hand, a fairy tale - this is a ready-made fantastic story, and on the other hand - it gives the child the opportunity to develop his imagination, draw pictures in his head.

Thanks to the fairy tale, the child can explain the main concepts of morality: what is good, and what is bad, because in fairy tales the characters are always either good or bad. The child always compares himself with the goodies, so, thanks to the fairy tale, the child gets the good.

The influence of fairy tale development of children generates moral concepts that are fixed in real life. In fairy tales, evil heroes are always punished at the end, it turns out that one must be good. Welcome is represented in the image of princes and princesses, heroes, wizards and fairies who always come to the rescue.

The most accessible way to develop a child's emotions is to read fairy tales to him, this rule is useful for both teachers and parents. If you want your kid in four years to know how to read, write, count, do not take away his fairy tale, because it is the pledge of a happy childhood.

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