Child Development

The influence of music on the development of the child

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the influence of music on the development of the child Recently, parents prefer to give their child the knowledge that will be useful to him in life. Purposeful education replaced love for music, art, so so few children go to music school.

If the kid wants to become a lawyer - he is hired by a tutor on the right, an economist - in mathematics, an interpreter - learn languages. Unfortunately, life forces to inspire children that, only having the necessary profession, they can be financially - provided.

Parents do not like to spend their time and nerves on the musical education of the child. Well, if a child wants to play the piano, and if he chooses a violin or a saxophone, can you imagine how the neighbors will look at such a musical family?

But before moms and dads did not pay attention to such inconveniences, they taught the child to "beautiful" - to music. It's not for nothing that in the families of noble families children were taught not only dances, calligraphy, foreign languages, but also singing and playing musical instruments.

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Many wonderful musical works were written not by composers, but simply by educated people. For example, the writer and diplomat Griboyedov composed delightful plays.

In those days it was not so easy to get to music school, for this it was necessary to pass a competition where only gifted children were selected. For the training we needed not only the talent and efforts of the child, but also the patience of the parents.

Parents should know that performing a musical composition, the child will try to convey feelings, thereby finding contact with listeners. Therefore, it is music that will make your toddler sociable:

  • , he can feel the mood and desires of the interlocutor;
  • take into account his intonations;
  • the pace and tone of the conversation.

When studying music, a child from childhood will be accustomed to work, because rehearsals must be held every day or every other day. Thus, he will educate in himself:

  • will power;
  • assiduity;
  • diligence.

The world of a musical child is much more diverse and brighter than that of other children. It is the musical note that gives the child a figurative way of thinking, which is very useful for any profession of .

Undoubtedly, the influence of music on the development of the child leaves a mark on his whole life. If suddenly he decided to abandon the music and began to write wonderful poems, before toss notes, say thank you music. After all, it was she who gave birth in the soul of the child a sea of ​​emotions, a sense of rhythm.

When choosing a music school, pay attention to the teacher, your child should be comfortable with him, so that he can fully reveal his talent.

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